Most of you will be aware the Channel Ten stages an annual plethora of reality garbage. Some of you may even be aware that one fo the worst of these programs is Big Brother.
Without banging on about cheap-shot publicity stunts that the vaccuous (and seemingly sexually retarded) contestants have been known to dabble in after their fifteen minutes should well and truly be over, it seems that one of them has slipped under the radar and is still being recognised for all his hard work in the house.
Some of you may remember Tim Brunero from the latest (and foulest) airing of the Channel Ten cess-pool. If you can’t bring him to mind think of the weedy wannabe-intellectual loser with a penchant for research into male masturbation techniques. Anyway, this oxygen thief is now writing at The Chaser – and I use the term ‘writing’ very loosley.
It seems Tim has just been to the fine nation of Singapore. I say ‘fine’ because you can’t do sh!t in that joint without being fined. Personal opinions and observations about Singapore aside; Tim makes an unwarranted and unfounded comparison between Singapore and Canberra.
Singapore is a cross between a hospital, a workplace and a shopping centre. The place has no soul – it’s like Canberra, but even more sterile. There is a monied middle class, but nothing that usually goes with it in the modern world. Singapore is like medieval England with more gadgets.
There is no culture, no spontaneity, no organic grit, no sophistication, no cosmopolitanism, no body politic, and no alternative ideas. But it gave me an excellent taste of what 1950’s Australia was like.
I say screw you loser – what would you do to try and make Canberra more like your beloved Newtown? If being ‘sterile’ means that there is a distinct shortage of self opinionated, psuedo-intellectual idiots like this clown-shoes, then sterile me up.
Thoughts from other players?