You know the ones: Intersection of Northbourne Avenue/Cooyong St/Barry Drive. Started as one and has multiplied to almost every corner of that intersection as well as in Dickson.
Here’s what most people would describe happens in this situation (ie. Chain of Events A):
1. Motorist pulls up at a red light.
2. Hard-done-by-windscreen-cleaner-guy lifts his cleaning wand to essentially offer a windscreen cleaning service while the motorist waits at the intersection.
3. Motorist accepts offer, gets windscreen cleaned, and perhaps offers some coinage as a token of appreciation.
4. Cleaner accepts token of appreciation. Repeat ad nauseam.
However, what I have noticed occurring in many situations is (ie. Chain of Events B):
1. Motorist pulls up at a red light.
2. Hard-done-by-windscreen-cleaner-guy lifts his cleaning wand to essentially offer a windscreen cleaning service while the motorist waits at the intersection.
3. Motorist refutes offer by waving hands and shaking head to signal ‘NO’.
4. Cleaner waves down the refusal and sets about cleaning windscreen anyway thereby ignoring the request of the vehicle operator to stay away from their property.
5. Motorist often feels intimidated as to what is happening, and perhaps not wanting to enter a confrontation: offers some coinage to the cleaner to prevent a scene from occurring.
6. Cleaner accepts. Repeat ad nauseam.
What bothers me the most, is that I’m happy enough to scream them away if they refuse my requests to NOT touch and potentially damage my property. And they most likely remember me and often don’t approach me again. But what really bothers me is when I watch the type of motorist around me falling into the trap. In most cases, I’ve seen the washers target women alone in their cars – often women of an Asian extraction. And in all those cases, the motorist has signalled a clear ‘No’, the washer has waved down their refusal, and the motorist frantically starts looking for something to hand over – all in an intimidating fashion.
I’ve made a complaint to the ACT Government on this issue (via Canberra Connect) and was told: “There’s nothing the Police can do about it, but you can make a complaint to ACT Fair Trading”. What the???
So does that mean that I can effectively:
(a) set up a stall on the side of a busy street,
(b) cause a potential traffic hazard,
(c) hock my wares in an intimidating fashion to passer-bys who are trapped and have no option but to wait out my barrage; then
(d) accept cash from them that is not taxed,
(e) contributes nothing to the community,
(f) doesn’t get reported as income tax;
(g) allowing me to then claim a full Centrelink dole payment for both myself and my defacto junkie wife with track marks all over her exposed skin,
and the only consequence is to have the ACT Fair Trading look into the matter?
Absolutely Pathetic. Up there with the most ridiculous response from a government I’ve ever heard alongside the standard: “We can’t investigate the matter until we receive a complaint from a member of the public.” WELL WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS YOU BRAIN-DAMAGED NIT-WIT!
Before I go-ahead and submit the complaint to ACT Fair Trading (what a joke) I’m keen to hear other RiotACT-ers intelligent contributions on the matter.
And before any regular RiotACT members try to pay-out on this post: No, this isn’t the most pressing issue in my life, but it is the most appropriate for this forum. And No, this isn’t the worst thing that has happened to me but it is something I can garner support to change. And Yes, I have better things to do with my life than harp on this issue – that’s why I spent just 4 minutes to write up this post.