20 February 2006

Smoking, Cyclists on the road, RU486 and beer

| Blamemonkey
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Now that I have you attention

I was wondering what people thought about organising a RiotAct get together??

I’m going to go as far and say that RandomGit and I will be going to toast on Friday I think..

Do people want to meet and greet before hand and have a couple of beers

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LadyoftheLake4:26 pm 06 May 06

hear hear… more music to the artists. We are a bit spoilt as patrons, not prepared to pay to see some good music. $5 is nothing, cheap enough to take a risk and see how you like it. Muso’s need to eat and pay rent too!

Maybe they could revert to the old… pass the hat around for the muso’s on the night? drunk, appreciative audience members could equal some good takings for the evening… and all for the bands. do you think it would work?

Slinky the Shocker1:01 pm 24 Feb 06

Maelinar: That somebody is the Musos. Because of their cover charge Toast actually allows bands to make a decent chunk of money (if they attract a crowd), as almost the full cover goes to the bands directly. Which maybe can make them a tad more independent of the ‘horrible’ arts grants that a lot of Riotacters despise.

The reason for the cover charge is that they’ve got a number of bands playing. Now, if you don’t like the bands, you don’t have to go, but those who do are paying for something better than what’s on at Woolies. Or at least, something different (I haven’t sampled the current quality of Woollies musak, so I have no idea whether it beats a live band).

My wife said exactly the same thing over dinner last night. It mattered not a jot!

Thanks for the info guys, I’ll decline citing I think the $5 covercharge is sufficient reason for me to not go anywhere near the establishment.

Personally I find it incredulous that somebody is willing to charge me $5 to enter their establishment so that I can spend over $100 on beer, wine and spirits that I can get from Woolies for $20.

I’m feeling empowered and all sorts of other pinko stuff. Love to stop and chat but I’m off to protest for the land rights of gay whales.

Do you wear band-aids on your knuckles, or don’t you graze them anymore when they’re dragging on the ground?

some mindless trivia about perceptions of wearing the colour pink, seems it was ok for men earlier last century:

The color of pink is now associated with womanhood, just like blue is associated with boys and manhood, although The Ladies Home Journal said the reverse was the “generally accepted rule” in an edition of 1918, describing pink as “more decided and stronger” while blue was “more delicate and dainty”.

Slappy – real men wear pink…smoker!

Absent Diane2:53 pm 22 Feb 06

Is this uberbitchytrolly day at RA….???

Slapp_monkey2:06 pm 22 Feb 06


I was actually making a comment on the general drug taking nature of the club, and the RA. But as to me being a troll that is most likily a fair comment and accurate.

p.s. Shab how is your tree hugging going?

Slappas, just… wrong dude. What the hell brought that on? Also, I said Astroworld (nestled in right-wing Texas no less) not Astroboy. Clearly you are a just a troll.

Mael, Toast is above electric shadows. There is a large courtyard surrounded by shop fronts up there that I affectionately refer to as ‘legoland’, you’ll see why on the night.

Toast is a fairly standard generic pub, a wee bit funky, small.

5 dollar entry fee.

Thats all I got.

It’s above electric shadows. Nothing on tap but a resonable variety in the fridge. If you get there early you can have your guiness-in-a-can in one of their few pint glasses.

The crowd is mostly cute artsy girls and boys who want to meet them.

Sounds like the Durham. I’ll be there drinking beer on friday afternoon and the occasional wanker in a pink shirt will walk in, get called a dandy poser boy and leave.

I’m still deliberating about going to Toast, but to make the decision a little easier I would appreciate the following information:

How do I get to Toast from the Durham (using the McDonalds and KFC reference system) ?

Where is Toast exactly (unless the first question answers this) ?

Do they cater for a particular scene (particularly are they the next Heaven nightclub) ?

Do they have either of the following on tap ?
– Guiness ?
– Cider ?
– Carlton Draught ?

If they serve Guiness, do you get it in the cool ribbed pint glass or a conventional pineapple style pint glass, or a scummy pot/schooner ?

Is there an entrance fee ?

Okay Slapp_monkey. I’m glad you’ve found a medium for your drivel. How about putting forward an arguement or something useful rather than posting excrement.

The clubs of which you speak still exist. There’s one just down the road from my house, although people in pink shirts don’t get smacked about anymore because neanderthals like you are too busy pushing their paycheques into the pokies.

Guess I best get blowing, eh. I’m off to cry and hug a tree.

Slapp_monkey12:45 pm 22 Feb 06

Wow Astroboy, Vampire teeth and bibles.

So RA are having a gathering at the night club known as Toast. Sounds like another reason not to go to there. Besides the wannabe goths and try hard punks, we can now throw in the political possers. I hope the manager in fit of sanity kills you all.

What happened to good old clubs of people drinking beer and smoking until dawn. Sure the occasional W*nker who wore a pink shirt got the cocky slapped out of him. But hey thats just a good life lession. This possers have had it too good, for too long.

And to all you liberal tree huggers out there.


umm, it’s this coming friday dude.

Chugalug nys.

Gingermick, don’t count on it. If you’re there, I’m not. I won’t be nice.

However, I have better things to do than to see you anyway. My husband is back from sea this weekend.

To everyone else: I won’t be able to make it. I’d love to meet a few of you and put a nick to a face.

Have a good time and a few beers for me. 🙂

Careful I hear he has no qualms scratching, biting and pulling hair…

I think i might go as a God Botherer those guys scare the piss out of me….

…… thats it, stacks on johnboy!

change of plan.

i now have vampire teeth and will be wearing a black suit.

BM, all I can say is,

Bring it on porridge gut.

Attention Nyssa76! Will you be there, Nys? We could get together at last.

It’s all fun and games until RandomGit Squeals like a little Bitch

Play fight perhaps. A bit o melodramatic wrestling is always good with your beer.

I hope the night doesn’t degenerate into the Great Outdoor Fight.

Also, we’ll be staying in hella late.

Oh goodie goodie good good.

BM and I will be the oversized doofus twins slam dancing during the acoustic numbers.

I think I’ll wear my Astroworld shirt.

As per usual I have work on Friday but suspect I’ll probly be there afterwards.

You’d be referring to the Schmooze at Toast?

certainly a few RA types planning on going.

I’ll be wearing a torn garish yellow and blue hawaiian shirt and trying to look like a zombie.

Hm – I’ve got a prior engagement on Friday night that’ll take me until 10:30. However, if even one rioter can assure me that they’ll still be rough, ready and all suited for action by that time, I’ll be in it.

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