The airport is proudly trumpeting the fact that they are extending the runway in order to accept more and larger planes, more often [Covered in passing earlier]. I understand the need for expansion, and it will benefit Canberrans if we can fly overseas directly from Canberra. But I think now is the time to start thinking about a curfew for our airport.
At times planes over my house make conversation impossible as they fly overhead. This is only brief, and doesn’t bother me too much, but if it becomes a constant, or goes through the night it certainly will.
This issue also affects anyone in Canberra who ever flies. Ever noticed that the last plane back from Melbourne (9.50PM) is usually delayed until about midnight? This is not because of any issue affecting that plane, it is because nearly evey other airport in Australia has a curfew, so they take pains to get those planes out before the Canberra plane.
I think a curfew of 8.00 AM -10.30 PM would be suitable. (I’d like it to start later on weekends, but I’m trying to be realistic…).