A couple of things are happening out in the ACT’s western preserves.
Firstly the Chief Minister has announced changes to the management plan for the Namadgi National Park.
“The Government has agreed to adopt several of the Committee’s recommendations, which we believe complement our efforts to protect and conserve the Namadgi National Park for future generations of Canberrans to enjoy,” Mr Stanhope said. “The Government will adopt new rules relating to horse riding in the park, requiring horses to be at least 30 metres away from historic huts and creeks to protect these fragile areas from potential damage.
“More stringent measures will also be applied to commercial recreational providers, requiring that they prepare an environmental management plan for their operations in the park.
In other news the Chiefly one is welcoming more Wallaroos to Tidbinbilla as they restock after the great BBQ of 2003.
“Four Wallaroos travelled from Dubbo to Canberra yesterday afternoon in the company of a vet and staff from the Western Plains Zoo,” Mr Stanhope said.
“They were met by Wildlife Officers and released successfully into the Bushland Meander in Tidbinbilla’s Sanctuary, which is already home to a small number of resident Wallaroos, wallabies and other wildlife.
“The Western Plains Zoo is donating eight Wallaroos to Tidbinbilla from surplus stock with the remaining four animals to arrive in the coming weeks.