For reason’s passing understanding the Chief Minister wants to know why Australia continues to keep a low key security force in Iraq.
He’s not up to putting it online but it seems he’s always able to have a word to his friends at the ABC.
ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope has used the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq to call on the Federal Government to explain its continued involvement in the war.
It seems Our Brave Leader is miraculously both so better informed than the government that he knows our presence there is making things worse, and yet still ignorant of the reasons troops remain.
How about this sir: Even if removing a horrible dictator wasn’t sufficient reason to get involved in the first place, we can’t go back and change that decision, so why not respond to the democratically elected government of Iraq’s calls for international forces to help them stabilise the situation?
Surely a spitefull desire to see the original justifications for war proved false isn’t enough to make sane humans yearn for an anarchic descent into chaos in Iraq?
Oh, and happy Canberra Day to you too Mr. Stanhope.
UPDATED: The Chief Minister’s ever efficient staff have finally put his media release online.