So I was having a looksie over the Chief Minister’s predictably wooden message to the community on his website:
Canberra is a great place to live. I am proud to be the Chief Minister of such a fantastic part of our world.
My Government is committed to ensuring that all Canberrans have access to information about our plans and important issues affecting their lives.
This site is part of that goal. Other important and useful sites can be found on the links page. I trust that my site is useful and I look forward to serving you in the years to come.
Jon Stanhope
Chief Minister, Australian Capital Territory.
And for the first time ever I was inspired to go take a look at the links page. It’s a mostly anodyne and slightly sad list of links to other pages which are also sets links and not anything particularly usefull. But I was struck by this one of the six:
Australian Labor Party, ACT branch (external website)
Now on the one hand it’s the Chief Minister’s website and he obviously thinks the rest of the political spectrum in Canberra is rubbish and of no interest to the public, unlike the glorious ACT Branch of the ALP. On the other hand it is an official Government website so perhaps some balance should be in place?
Your thoughts?