I stumbled on this while checking out my house on Google Earth (yes, that’s oh so passé these days).
Strange I never noticed this, given it sits atop the Melbourne Building. It’s creator calls it “Euphoria’s Abomination“:
The Abomination is a 145m office building built over the site of the historic Melbourne building. The construction was allowed as the result of an accountancy error, which was realised only after the heritage-listed 1930s retail building had been bulldozed and not amended until excavation was well under way, too late to save the historic landmark. As way of compensation to the people of Canberra (snicker), the ground and first floors have been painted to resemble the original building. The height limit violation issue was easily resolved by raising the Parliament Gouse flagpole 300m.
A harmless prank no doubt from the UC architecture school (or is that being too kind?). Anyway, Google will demolish it soon.