Sports clubs in Goulburn and the surrounding region are being encouraged to apply for the latest round of funding under the NSW Government’s Local Sport Grant Program, with $4.6 million allocated to give local sport a boost.
The member for Goulburn, Pru Goward, said the grants were set aside for upgrading or creating new sports facilities, new sports programs, community events and projects that improve sports participation.
“Sport is a vital part of our community and I encourage all clubs and councils in the Goulburn region to apply,” Ms Goward said.
“Thousands of local clubs can apply for up to $25,000 to fund individual initiatives, with up to $50,000 set aside for every state electorate.”
Sports Minister Stuart Ayres said it was a key priority for the NSW Government that “everyone has the opportunity to take part in local sport or has access to open space”.
“Already this year, the Local Sport Grant Program has allocated funding for sports clubs in 93 electorates across the state and we anticipate this next round of funding will help hundreds more community groups and councils,” Mr Ayres said.
Now in its fourth year, the Local Sport Grant Program is additional to the NSW Government’s $290 million Open Spaces and Green Sydney package, as well as the promised $200 million to improve sporting facilities in regional NSW.
Send your application in before 24 August 2018. For more information, click here or phone 13 13 02.