Following yesterday’s much celebrated news that water restrictions will end on 1 Novembers the Greens’ Shane Rattenbury unsatisfied with the permanent water conservation measures.
“We know that the community has come a long way in understanding that the ACT is a place where water is highly valued and the people of the ACT have achieved significant changes in behaviour, such as replanting low water use gardens, which have resulted in consumption dropping by around a third over the last 7 years.”
“But now we are moving back to a system that allows Canberrans to wash their cars every day should they choose – is this the community standard that we want to set for the careful use of a precious resource?
“This time last year most people wouldn’t have predicted that we would have such a wet season and be able to re-introduce permanent water conservation measures so quickly. But I think some people are concerned now they’ve heard what is going to be allowed over the summer.”
Oh the horrid things people will do without Shane to tell them to be better.