ACT Policing will commence a zero tolerance traffic enforcement campaign during February to detect motorists speeding on Canberra’s roads.
This will be the first of a series of month long campaigns by ACT Policing, targeting the serious traffic offences that contribute to death and serious injuries on Canberra’s roads. The campaign is conducted in cooperation with ACT road safety authorities. Motorists across the ACT will see variable message boards on the roadside and other media advertisements which will remind people of the dangers of speeding.
ACT Policing commenced these targeting campaigns in the second half of 2010. In that period, the ACT recorded three road fatalities with no fatalities recorded in the last three months of the year. Police will continue with these campaigns in 2011 to keep both our fatal and serious injury road tolls as low as possible.
Traffic Operations Superintendent Mark Colbran said that the ACT has already recorded two fatalities in 2011. Speed is believed to be a contributing factor in one of these fatalities.
“We are committed to reducing the ACT road toll and will continue to remind drivers that speeding is a major contributor to fatal collisions and serious injuries,” he said.
“Speeding will cost you, financially and otherwise.”
The campaign comes only weeks before back-to-school where motorists will be reminded to slow down for 40km school zones.
Fines for speeding range from a minimum of $157 and the loss of one demerit point to over $1,800 and the loss of six demerit points for each offence.
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