Early this morning regular RiotACT contributor, the pugnacious averse big-mouth, Big Al was found dead in reeds near a pond behind the O’Connor shops. Witnesses say that three knives were clearly visible in his back, despite the fact that the body had obviously been mauled by possums during the night.
Times change, water passes under the bridge and everything comes to an end. Big Al was born around 18 months ago as vaguely humorous device to keep us from stupefying boredom when office bound. He was named after the big dinosaur in the BBC series “Walking with Dinosaurs†and we envisaged a kind of arrogant, grumpy, old, irritable know-it-all conservative – who possibly would have spent his nights alone in a room, surfing the net in his y-fronts illuminated only by the blue radiation of the CRT …
The problem with fictitious characters – and especially those written by three people over 18 months is that it gets damn near impossible to keep track of the old bastards evolving “personality†– we’d lose track of things like where he lived, his age, marital status and whether or not he was a veteran, if he was financially comfortable, well off, or bloody rich not to mention his bi-polar political views … in the end we just couldn’t be arsed.
The timing was about right too, RiotACT had moved on and we wanted to be part of that community individually, without the baggage of our creation, so over a beer yesterday afternoon, we agreed to kill the arrogant bastard … grizzly business mind … and who would have thought that a dead fictional blogger would have been so heavy!