Want to be a Raiderette?
Appealing no? Actually with Chris and Sarah from FM 104.7 there as fluffers the whole thing might be a bit of a jolly to see the clingers and mingers, shame there’s no bar there.
And then, down the bottom of the page I noticed a strange little ad.
The Raiders’ newsletter is called “The Crusade”?
Ok first things first, vikings had very, very little to do with the Crusades [Wikipedia], sure they were somewhat related to the Normans but that’s really not much to be going on with. So bonus points for ignorance up there with the Brumbies a few years ago talking about the Tigers of Africa in a promotion.
Then there’s the minor matter that Muslims rightly regard the Crusades as a genocidal war of conquest waged against them for no other reason than their faith.
What kind of message are the Raiders trying to send to their fans?
BTW here’s what my dictionary has to say on the matter:
crusade |kroÅˈsÄd|
noun (often Crusade)
a medieval military expedition, one of a series made by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries.
• a war instigated by the Church for alleged religious ends.
• an organized campaign concerning a political, social, or religious issue, typically motivated by a fervent desire for change : a crusade against crime.