Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent reader survey. Your candid sharing of information has given us some great insights to who’s reading the site & how you’re using it. 281 participants also left your details to win the $300 dinner voucher at Pelagic but there could only be one.. Congratulations go to Murrumbatemanpete for that distinction.
Without further ado the details (although not all of them)
RiotACT’s readers are 50-50 male to female with most of you falling somewhere between is between 25 and 40yo, The guys are somewhat more inclined to wade in and share their opinions but not by much. Ladies, it seems you are well represented amongst the anonymous commenters.
67% of you have bachelor degrees or higher qualifications with most working in white collar occupations. 59% work in the government sector and a further 30% in private enterprise. 40% of you hold decision making or influencing roles in your respective organisations with 12% holding the pursestrings on more than a million dollars of purchasing responsibility
70% of you have median or higher incomes and obviously like to invest in property with 71% of you owning 1 or more properties. 29% of you have kiddies under 16 making a mess of your home like mine does.
In your downtime, most like to read, eat out at restaurants, catch a movie, cook, work out, listen to music and travel although not necessarily in that order.
Most of you prefer to consume non commercial TV or radio, typically less than 2-3 hours a day, and in a pretty significant shift since our last survey just under 2 years ago, 88% of you will spend more than 2-3 hours a day online. 33% of RiotACT’s readers (like Johnboy and Myself) spend in excess of 5 hours a day online.
43% of you are Facebook addicts and 60% of you have heard of this Twitter thing but thats about the extent of it.
Interestingly a whopping 97.5% of Riots readers have bought something online in the last 3 months and 96.5% of you will conduct research on a product or service online before making a purchasing decision lending some speculation at RiotACT HQ that shopping malls of the future will be hands on product catalogues & you’ll go home to buy online instead.
66% of you will do more research if you read a bad review on RiotACT before making up your own mind and 6.6% of you think an advertisers brand might be damaged by appearing next to some of RiotACT’s more contentious discussions. One participant did make a point of saying that there may be a potential issue in this situation but “the world cant be forced to accommodate every idiot” Apologies to the idiots.
Thankfully most of you have come to terms with the new site format despite the lingering bugs we’re still working through & generally like the direction we’re taking RiotACT. We’d love for the 50% of you who don’t know about our awesome premium membership to check it out here Not only can you blacklist annoying commenters, you can easily keep up to date with the conversations you’re having on the site, and be eligible for cool prizes and competitions.
Thanks for reading
[Image: Age and gender distribution which appears to skew to women in their late twenties and men in their early thirties]