Limelight, the ABC’s arts and entertainment magazine is continuing its series of ‘limelight Lunches With the Stars’. Designed to bring “the stars” to you, their audience, in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, the lunches provide an exclusive opportunity to meet performers off the stage.
Where The National Museum of Australia, Peninsular Room, Lawson Crescent, Canberra
When Thursday, June 2 Time 12.00pm to 2.00pm
Price Special limelight subscribers price of $65 (Standard tickets $75)
Our first lunch to come to Canberra for 2005 will feature internationally acclaimed cellist Steven Isserlis. Steven is a British cellist internationally renowned for his playing – particularly for his warm, vibrant sound, and his impeccable phrasing. He has performed on the concert platform with some of the world’s most prestigious orchestras and conductors, most recently appearing with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra.
He is back in Australia by popular demand – to do a national tour with Musica Viva. Our limelight lunch will be his first performance in Australia!!