The Canberra Times is having a massive spray at ACT Policing’s media unit in particular and the structure of ACT policing in general.
higher police management is resistant to telling the public anything, except in carefully controlled situations and confected public relations stunts, and issues to the press as little information as possible. The information desert this creates may shelter the police from some criticism simply because the public does not know what is happening but is a potent breeding ground for misinformation, police complacency, incompetence, potentially even corruption, and for an increasing disconnect between the community and those who are supposed to maintain order.
In my own experience dealing with the media unit is a nightmare of epic proportions, and the contemptuous attitude many (but not all) local police have to the public has long been on display on this site.
The question now is will the CT keep up the pressure? Or take some juicy tips and pipe down?