John Hargreaves is getting in on the strategising and planning action with the release of the ACT Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan.
Do you feel safer already?
The catchcry sounds pretty good with talk of the Four E’s. No, no, not a big night listening to repetitive music, rather “education, encouragement, engineering and enforcement”.
It’s when we get to the key points that things get interesing:
· The development and implementation of new awareness campaigns and engineering programs to address key road safety issues, such as speeding, fatigue, distracted driving and specific crash types;
· Maintenance of levels of traffic enforcement by ACT Policing, complemented by continued expansion of the ACT traffic camera program;
· Updates and improvements to the Road Ready and Road Ready Plus courses for novice drivers;
· A review of licensing, training and testing arrangements for novice motorcycle riders;
· A recognition of the need to reduce crashes by ACT drivers interstate; and
· Improved road safety coordination and support arrangements.
Firstly why is awareness and engineering being bundled onto the one dot point?
Also, is maintenance of existing enforcement sufficient? Personally I’d like to see all those who fail to indicate or merge lanes properly at least suffer the indignity of being pulled over in public and having the error of their ways clearly explained to them.