I have lived in several body corporate run properties and know many others in complexes and on executive committees. Recently I bought and moved into a complex which seems to be run by a bunch of power mad cowboys who even had the Strata Managers changed to a mob who operate outside of the Strata Management Institute and therefore to an unknown “code of conduct”.
To date their behaviour and delaying tactics for a simple application of a small 5 year old dog (there are several dogs in the complex) have been not only disrecpectful of a member of the unit corporation but also plain old bullying. The latest feedback is that the executive committee wants to make it so that pet applications will only be approved if neighbouring townhouses approve, so they are making these changes first!!
It looks like a ACAT showdown is coming and I have looked around for a good solicitor without much success (just crossed out number 3). Any advice or stories of similar experience would be greatly appreciated.