On Thursday 28 July at around 7.30am while cycling into the city from Wanniassa to work I had an accident when my bike slid from under me on ice. The ice had formed from water from sprinklers that flowed across the pathway and ramp passing by and leading up on to Commonwealth Bridge, between Flynn Drive and the Lake near the National Library).
I fractured my pelvis and, in the time between the accident and being taken away by ambulance, I and those assisting me witnessed perhaps 6 or so other cyclists also come to grief (though thankfully all escaped serious injury; I will be off work and off my left leg for 6-8 weeks). Several other cyclists and pedestrians went slipping and sliding when they unexpectedly encountered the affected part of the pathway.
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who, say in the last 12 months, has reported similar incidents or concerns to the National Capital Authority (NCA) – responsible for this area – regarding ice or water flowing across the pathway in this location. This is important if I am to successfully pursue a case for damages against the NCA, as I need to establish that they were aware of problems in the area but failed to take appropriate action (proper drainage, warning signs, etc.).
Please note that this is not a ‘cycling’ issue per se and I do not want to see this request get sidetracked in the inevitable debate. Pedestrians were also affected by this problem on the particular morning. If you or someone you know has passed on to the NCA information or concerns about the problem of ice or water flowing over the pathway in this area in recent times, please let me know. Thank you, in anticipation.