Last week the Liberals’ Vicki Dunne stole a march on Labor’s Joy Burch revealing lapses in child protection protocols which sparked an investigation.
But there was some backstory we didn’t think was particularly relevant at the time.
The Liberal head flack Hannah Passfield sent us copies of Ms Dunne’s correspondence with the media release, which we duly published.
A few hours after we posted the letters on Google Docs (with parts redacted as supplied) we were asked to replace them with other versions. This was moderately intriguing so we asked why and got a terse “for security” answer.
It was interesting but we were busy so we just swapped the links over the to more “secure” documents.
The next day Joy Burch’s flack Victor Violante was in touch asking if we’d updated the documents and why?
Restraining the urge for a Gestapo like “VE ASK ZE QWESTIONS!” we passed on that we’d been asked to “for security”.
With that information in hand check out the Canberra Times story on this very issue.
”While she went to some effort to conceal the name – which indicates she knew she shouldn’t be putting it out in the public arena – she was lazy, she was tardy, she was indifferent to making sure she did that properly,” Ms Burch said.
”And as a result of the format it went out in, they [the organisation] were able to be identified and I think that’s very concerning, and I really think Mrs Dunne should provide an apology.”
Ms Burch also accused Mrs Dunne of publicly revealing that the children had been housed in the old Ginninderra police station.
As a result the building could no longer be used to house vulnerable children.
Mrs Dunne yesterday rejected Ms Burch’s criticism.
”The fact is these vulnerable children were placed in accommodation with no hot water, beds or heating and broken glass on the floor,” she said in a written statement.
For mine that last one’s something of a trump.