Chief Minister Gallagher is informing all creation that she’s awarded a $4.3 million contract for upgrades of the Barry Drive and Clunies Ross Street intersction.
“Due to start in January 2012, this multi-million dollar project will greatly improve the capacity of the intersection of Barry Drive and Clunies Ross Street and in turn reduce traffic congestion currently experienced in the peak periods,” the Chief Minister said.
“The project will include a number of enhancements to the intersection including the extension of the bus priority lanes on Barry Drive in both directions and the introduction of a second right hand turn lane from Barry Drive into Clunies Ross Street.
“Motorists will welcome the reduced queuing and waiting times at the intersection, which will help reduce travel times,” the Chief Minister said.
Cyclists and pedestrians will also benefit from the upgrade with the addition of a continuous on-road cycle lane westbound and the continuation of the separated shared path along Barry Drive eastbound.
Other improvements include the widening of Clunies Ross Street to allow for the two right-hand turn movements from Barry Drive to merge and the reconstruction of the shared path along Clunies Ross Street.
The existing bus stop on Barry Drive to the east of the intersection will also be upgraded.