Last week’s much missed intern Ruqi tipped me off that Garema Place’s home of cheap speed and cough medicine, the Goon Bag, has earned itself a listing in the Urban Dictionary:
“The Goon Bag” is a specific location in Garema Place, Civic, Canbera City, Australia. This is a common hang out for alternitive sub-cultures, such as goth, emo, indie, punks, etc.
The Goon Bag is a sculpture of a metal over-sized cushion, which is mounted on black marble ‘steps’ that rise about a meter off the ground.
The actual sculpture was named ‘the goon bag’ due to it’s metal cushion, that resembles the silver bag that cheep wine (also known as goon) comes in.
“i’ll see you at the goon bag today after school”
Now that’s public art making an impact!