![dickson liquor store](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-9-7e6c1-NrA/TvPnB96r4DI/AAAAAAAAqhU/Y2okVK08qBg/s600/Screen%252520shot%2525202011-12-23%252520at%2525201.26.38%252520PM.png)
The Office of Regulatory Services’ December Newsletter is fabulously dull, but it does contain some gems.
In particular the news of which liquor and tobacco shops have had the misfortune to be caught taking the youth dollar:
Dickson Liquor and Scullin Supermarket &Liquor both sold liquor products to persons under the age of 18 years on more than one occasion. Dickson Liquor was ordered to pay$2000 and will have their licence suspended for a period of 72 hours prohibiting them from selling liquor. Scullin Supermarket &Liquor was ordered to pay$750 and will have their licence suspended for 48 hours.
Scullin Supermarket &Liquor also sold tobacco products to an underage person and was reckless aboutwhether theywere underage. The business was ordered to pay$750.