Does anyone know what is happening with McKellar shops? I popped in there the other day and noticed a small sign on the front door saying that they would be closed at the start of Feb with no reopen date? When I went in, most of the shelves had minimal stock and what was there was on sale further suggesting that they probably aren’t coming back.
I know the local suburb shops find it hard to survive, many have already closed with the Woollies and Coles boom, and in the case of McKellar, Evatt shops being only that bit further away has much more to offer in way of variety. But McKellar shops always seemed to have a steady flow of customers, although it has been down on numbers ever since it changed owners… it also recently down sized (one can only imagine with a reduction in rent) with the building owner using the vacated space to create 4 or so ridiculously small rental spaces (like small bedroom small) and not surprisingly, no one has leased them from what I can tell.
I recall there was actually an LDA sign up on the vacant area just to the side of the shops for future development, perhaps the whole lot is to be bulldozed and rolled into one future development?
Any knowledge on the subject is greatly appreciated, I live a stones throw away and when I run out of milk or bread it has been very handy!