9 August 2023

The long history of conservatives and treaty fearmongering

| Deb Nesbitt
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Bronwyn Bishop

Former Coalition Speaker of the House Bronwyn Bishop says the Voice is dividing the nation. Photo: File.

Historical fearmongering may be what’s behind Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s hesitancy about discussing treaty-making with First Nations, despite the courage it’s taken him to mount the Voice referendum.

Opposition Deputy Leader Sussan Ley implied last week that treaty-making with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples posed some sort of a threat to national sovereignty.

She’s left it to the conservative fringe to make the hysterical claim that the Voice is a misguided left-wing plot that will fragment the nation, such as disgraced ex-Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop’s irrational comments that it is dividing Australia.

It’s taken me back to my first job in the NT.

“They’re stealing our rock!” was one screaming headline in the NT News during the protracted negotiations over handing back Uluru to the Mutitjulu traditional owners.

It was 1984, and traitorous ‘white advisers’ were to blame for stirring up the Aboriginal community to deprive Australians of ‘their’ national tourist attraction, Country Liberal Party politicians warned.

The message was clear: the Mutitjulu were too ignorant to make their own decisions and they certainly weren’t entitled to good lawyers.

The scaremongering over the Uluru hand-back was as absurd as it was racist.

READ ALSO If the Voice referendum fails, where do we go from here?

The world-first joint national park management arrangement negotiated by the Hawke government proved that agreement-making with First Nations is not only possible, but benefits all Australians.

We’ve since seen the model replicated in Kakadu and Nitmiluk national parks, and regional agreements have been negotiated in the Torres Strait and elsewhere.

So what drives the conservative fear of treaties?

Back in the 1980s and 90s, people spoke of Aboriginal ‘self-determination’ rather than treaties when talking about ending First Nations disadvantage.

Self-determination is a well-recognised universal human right of all peoples. We exercise it every time we enter a polling booth to vote and in many other ways individually and as a nation.

It was a term the Whitlam government began using in 1972 to replace discriminatory assimilation and integration policies that had been imposed on First Nations.

Giving First Nations people a decisive voice in shaping the policies and programs that govern their lives was central to the work of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) and the Reconciliation Council in the 1990s.

Both bodies were abolished when the Howard government came to power in 1996 amid the struggle over how native title would work after the Mabo judgment. Howard banned the term ‘self-determination’ from the APS lexicon.

ATSIC had wanted to expand its council to ensure more First Nations representatives would be involved in negotiations on native title legislation.

First Nations that secured native title to their land would organise to mount an insurrection to try to secede from Australia, so the conservative trope went.

This was never proposed and is frankly ludicrous. It was a fear based on an outdated, black letter law interpretation of ‘self-determination’ related to decolonisation post-WWII.

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First Nations people around the world had begun calling for self-determination but through ‘internal’ treaties or agreements that allowed peoples to co-exist within a sovereign state.

Anyone truly listening to First Nations then would have understood their aspirations. They were clearly set out by the Reconciliation Council. Howard infamously chose to berate delegates at its 1996 conference rather than listen.

Despite successive governments focusing on so-called ‘practical outcomes’, the huge First Nations disadvantage gap continues. Why? Because at every turn their call for their basic human right to self-determination has been denied. It’s stymied progress for decades.

And so history repeats. The conservative campaign tactic, then and now, is to persuade voters to stick with the status quo by confusing and scaring them with disinformation about a First Nations peace treaty.

These days it’s ‘privileged blacks’ that are purportedly stirring up the ‘poor blacks’, a divide and conquer tactic to defeat self-determination and maintain government control over First Nations.

Labor’s concern about widening the discussion beyond the Voice referendum may be driven by our bitter history, which has seen First Nations aspirations for self-determination repeatedly fail. Or maybe it’s all about sticking to a campaign strategy.

Whatever, the Voice referendum is a huge political risk. It’s taken Albanese a lot of courage to run this when so many before him have backed off, including Bob Hawke.

In 1995, Hawke promised Makarrata, a peace agreement much like a treaty. It didn’t happen. Albanese has revived the promise by funding the Makarrata Commission to start talks.

To slay the anti-Voice fearmongering we need to talk openly about the political history that has brought us here, and not be afraid of voting Yes to our First Nations’ human rights right to self-determination.

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This is exactly the kind of intellectual superiority thinking that will cause the referendum to fail.
The view that the ‘other side’ is somehow misguided, uninformed, scared, under the influence of a few politicians; or even worse – racist, not recognising the issue.
Interesting that Chris Bowen attacks the coalition’s plan for nuclear energy with ‘lack of detail behind the idea’, yet it’s fine for the Voice proponents to not really discuss the detail.
It’s only about the constitutional recognition, after all, right? We’ll discuss the rest afterwards.
Albo will be able to sign the treaty, because the referendum gives him the mandate, right? for whatever he believes will put him in the same discussion as the great labour PMs of this country.

The support is plummeting because of what is seen in the last few months – aboriginal heritage laws in WA, the recent Dan Andrews deal, Albo’s evasiveness on the subject of the treaty – not addressing concerns, dismissing them as racism, scaremongering and dimwitness, while the yes supporters remain the bright lights and minds of this society, is the reason many people have changed the stance.

You had the support! All you had to do was hold back the crazy for a few months.

Where’s the self-determination when the premise of The Voice is that not enough has been done for us hence The Gap? With self-determination comes self-responsibility. Over 40 years of mining royalties in the hundreds of millions and tens of millions in the last 5 years and Nhulunbuy, the site of the recent Garma festival can’t get anyone to work in the local indigenous owned timber mill. Those royalties finish in a few years time and there is nothing to show for them. Health problems abound, unskilled locals, crime problems and really poor school attendance. Straight back to welfare dependency or a Treaty with reparations.

HiddenDragon7:49 pm 09 Aug 23

“In 1995, Hawke promised Makarrata, a peace agreement much like a treaty. It didn’t happen.”

Possibly because Hawke ceased to be PM in late 1991, when Keating knifed him.

The same Keating who delivered the Redfern Speech also began the dismantling of ATSIC, when his government removed responsibility for federal indigenous health programs from ATSIC and mainstreamed them into the federal Health department – a powerful signal of lack of confidence.

ATSIC was eventually wound up by the Howard government in 2005 – not as a priority on coming to power in 1996. Labor (presumably including the member for Grayndler) voted in support of the bill to abolish ATSIC.

The patronising, intelligence-insulting verbal tap dancing and evasiveness of Albanese and his ministers on a federal treaty is simply creating a large, welcoming vacuum for others to fill – this is not the approach of a government which has clear, reassuring answers to give on this important subject.

Self-determination means different things to different people. The HRC website advises that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner conducted a survey of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s perspectives in 2012. Participants in the survey identified the following examples of how self-determination can be exercised:

. through our own representative bodies;

. through our own schools, justice systems, health systems;

. by having control over our lives;

. by being able to participate in decisions that affect us;

. through being subject to our own laws;

. by establishing our own government;

. by establishing our own sovereign state.

The Voice will lead to expectations of and calls for”our own government” and “own sovereign state”. Let’s not pretend otherwise or ignore the existence and ambitions of fringe radicals with their own agendas.
As a concept the Voice is divisive, elevating one group of Australians above others, pitting Australians against Australians and dangerous to national unity. It deserves to be rejected, decisively and permanently.

Max_Rockatansky2:19 pm 09 Aug 23

Deb Nesbitt, why are you berating people who express legitimate concerns against permanently entrenching racial division into the Constitution of Australia?

OTOH, why do you ignore the joint statement by retired judges of our state and federal supreme courts saying it won’t have that effect? I worry about the race angle too but figure if the people who actually deal with the high profile court cases think it wil help, well, they know better than me.

Interesting article but the issue he didn’t address was that the Mutitjulu community is probably no better off now than it was in 1984 so managing their own affairs seems to have had little benefit.
Ditto for Kakadu & Nitmiluk.

This piece has little to say beyond denunciation of strawman “conservatives” and a claim that all opposition to the Voice is based on hysteria, irrationality, racism and ‘fear’, the last a synonym for the well-worn “phobic” slur, i.e. any alternative opinion is mental illness. This intolerant, black-and-white, bigoted standpoint (i.e., all opposition is necessarily by racist conservatives) sets the tone for the “yes” campaign, and in all likelihood, for the Voice itself.

I don’t know about what conservatives said in 1984. I do know that I too was a liberal left-leaning PhD-qualified history /anthropology academic. That was until the Bruce Pascoe business, when I realised his fraudulent work was being rammed through by progressives (my tribe) as ‘truth’. But I objected. Because, if Marxist historical materialism is a science (my belief) then the data has to be true, not made up. Yet the new paradigm says that the point of knowledge is not truth, it’s strategy. So I began taking a sceptical stance toward the people who seem intent of fabricating history and anthropology, and who defend their ‘strategic’ efforts with ad-hominem attacks and intellectual bullying rather than counter-argument.

I don’t know about conservatism. What I see is anger, intolerance, dogmatism and intellectual intemperance all pushing for the Voice. This is the zeitgeist of our age. It’s clear to me this will be the tone of the Voice. As a Classical Liberal, I think that a racially-based Voice will be a thumb on the Classical Liberal balance between conservatism and liberalism. It will be impossible for any meaningful conservative government to act as a corrective when the Voice is screaming “racism” at every turn, and so the nation will move toward extremism. Dividing people on race, especially in this climate of anger and recrimination, is not a step toward unity.

Stephen Saunders8:58 am 09 Aug 23

The first problem is, it’s a bad play from a bad leader, and it’s going to go down.

The second problem is, when it does goes down, the finger will be pointed at Racism, Murdoch, and Dutton. Instead of the bad leader.

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