Andrew Bolt is running a particularly mean spirited post on things he would like to do to Canberra.
Some tests that this haven of Leftism could be required to undergo:
– convert to 100 per cent renewable energy, with all the costs to be born by the locals.– impose the carbon tax ahead of the rest of the country.
– make do without its share of coal-derived income.
– legalisation of all recreation drugs, with all addicts and traffickers involved to be dealt with at Canberra’s cost..
– a double of the immigration and refugee intake, with all arrivals to be required to live in Canberra. All boat people to be transferred to Canberra for home-stay accommodation.
The idea that people who hold a differing ideological view to Bolt should in some way be punished is quite vile. Especially when placing collective responsibility on an entire community simply for harbouring those guilty of thought crimes.
Having said that. How awesome would Canberra be if this was implemented?
The drug law reform could conceivably pay for the renewables cost and foregone coal revenue.
And the influx of enterprising boat people would do wonders for the town. Half of Sydney would be coming down here for the weekend every weekend!
(Thanks to Thumper for the tip!)
[Photo by Martyo of Foreshore with no specific reference to drugs at that event]