It’s hard to say what I love more.
- 1. An incoherent rant posted after midnight
2. “Real Australians” getting angry that actual Australians don’t just automatically agree with them.
So it was like Christmas when the user “Motoristparty” dropped this spray at 00:17 last night:
#54 Motoristparty
12:17 am, 11 Sep 12I don’t mind being called a redneck as there are only two. There are red necks and yellow necks and I would hate to be one of you the gutless yellow necks. You haven’t got the balls to be tough on anyone, its all free and easy, everyone can do what they like until it impacts on you then you cry and ring the cops. You never put your hand up and have a go. You just sit there behind your keyboards inside your miserable little lives achieving nothing and tapping out self righteous crap. Anyway one day you might find a friend and your lonely little world might come to an end. It will be necessary for you to wear a scarf at all times because your one friend you found in life wont be around long once he spots your yellow neck.