Telstra have the unusual news that the ACT Human Rights and Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Helen Watchirs, has been named the ACT Business Woman of the Year.
She says her most memorable business achievement has been conducting human rights audits of detention centres, where human rights abuses can be hidden if they are not subjected to independent and rigorous oversight.
Other ACT Awards winners were Suzie Hoitink, founder of Clear Complexions Clinics, Emma Luscombe, owner of Antique Salon in Canberra City, Amanda Pulford, who established FitSistas Pole and Fitness Studio, and Jocelyn Parsons, Manager, Salvation and Intervention, with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority,
Kate McKenzie, Group Managing Director Telstra Innovation, Products & Marketing and Telstra Business Women’s Awards Ambassador, said the ACT winners were inspirational business women and leaders in their fields whose achievements were a cause for celebration.