2 October 2012

Parking Zed style

| johnboy
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Kennardly has sent in this one of tje Liberal leader’s NSW registered campaign wagon parked on double stripes behind Liberal HQ at the corner of Rabaul and Nangari in the city.

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rosscoact said :

Matt_Watts said :


I’m not taking responsibility for the driver – don’t know who he is. To be honest, I can’t even tell if the photo is of a parked car or not yet, given the honesty of most Rioters, I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt until other evidence arises.

I’m in no way trying to shift any responsibility elsewhere. Let the police/ rangers do their job. Whatever action was taken is up to them.

Interestingly, I only became involved in this conversation once the ALP head honcho (head person outside of the LA, that is) started to refer to some non-existent NSW Libs influence. And I’m the one creating a witch-hunt…?!

As I wrote in my advert – I want more practicality in politics! Let’s focus on outcomes! I’m afraid some need to wake up, even if they don’t want to hear such a message. The reality is, though, I can’t take responsibility for everything each volunteer does.

So, would this apply to Ministerial responsibility too Matt? If the party doesn’t take responsibility for its workers, be they volunteers or paid, then who should?

I’ll take responsibility for Matt Watts volunteers. Cheers.

Matt_Watts said :


I’m not taking responsibility for the driver – don’t know who he is. To be honest, I can’t even tell if the photo is of a parked car or not yet, given the honesty of most Rioters, I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt until other evidence arises.

I’m in no way trying to shift any responsibility elsewhere. Let the police/ rangers do their job. Whatever action was taken is up to them.

Interestingly, I only became involved in this conversation once the ALP head honcho (head person outside of the LA, that is) started to refer to some non-existent NSW Libs influence. And I’m the one creating a witch-hunt…?!

As I wrote in my advert – I want more practicality in politics! Let’s focus on outcomes! I’m afraid some need to wake up, even if they don’t want to hear such a message. The reality is, though, I can’t take responsibility for everything each volunteer does.

So, would this apply to Ministerial responsibility too Matt? If the party doesn’t take responsibility for its workers, be they volunteers or paid, then who should?


I’m not taking responsibility for the driver – don’t know who he is. To be honest, I can’t even tell if the photo is of a parked car or not yet, given the honesty of most Rioters, I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt until other evidence arises.

I’m in no way trying to shift any responsibility elsewhere. Let the police/ rangers do their job. Whatever action was taken is up to them.

Interestingly, I only became involved in this conversation once the ALP head honcho (head person outside of the LA, that is) started to refer to some non-existent NSW Libs influence. And I’m the one creating a witch-hunt…?!

As I wrote in my advert – I want more practicality in politics! Let’s focus on outcomes! I’m afraid some need to wake up, even if they don’t want to hear such a message. The reality is, though, I can’t take responsibility for everything each volunteer does.

Matt_Watts said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

I live in Macgregor said :

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW). Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Thanks for your contribution Elias. I’ll have you know not every campaign director has been imported from NSW head office.

If anything, I’m amazed I haven’t seen chalkings along the footpath for Gallagher’s team.


Matt Watts
Liberal Candidate for Ginninderra

Wow, what a childish post from someone who wants to be an MLA.

Appreciate your opinion, yet I disagree.

Compare my identifying of that poster as the bloke in charge of the ALP campaign and what he said; what do you think is wrong with what I wrote?

He has previously identified himself under his RiotACT name, so I’m not breaching confidentiality. He is the ALP campaign puppet master, after all, and has chosen in the past publicly (and now, not-so-publicly) to contribute to the election debate. He was imported from the NSW Labor machine, so I didn’t say anything factually incorrect. I’m just adding to the balance for which the RiotACT is so famous!

But go ahead – it’s a democracy.

What is wrong with what you wrote? You are running for election and are so thin skinned that you have to bite at comments made by an ALP hack. You come across as looking very petty, very childish and more suited to being a careerist student politician than a potential Minister.

That’s your view, and of course it’s fine. The alternative is that I not engage like most other candidates, or post anonymously like a number of people with vested interests do.

I won’t apologise for putting out a view alternative to yours, as I’d never ask for an apology from you.

This site is an opportunity for a right of reply, after all. I see nothing wrong with reminding readers of Elias’s previously revealed vested interest.

So we move away from taking responsibility for a small whoopsie and instead try to find a way to make it a witch hunt against Labour? Youve certainly got the skills to be part of the current Liberal gonowheres.


Voter desperately looking for someone to vote for…..

justin heywood11:04 am 04 Oct 12

colourful sydney racing identity said :

justin heywood said :

Wait, I must have come in late. So regular contributor ‘Colourful Sydney Racing Identity’ is in fact local Labor Party Secretary Elias Hallaj? The same bloke who ‘forgot’ to declare the $400,000 donation on his party’s electoral return? (from the ‘1973 Foundation’ , a front for pokie money.)

Perhaps he was too busy posting here about the dishonesty of the Liberals.

lulz. You take that back.

My sincere apologies Colourful – I’m trying to keep up, it’s like a masked ball here sometimes.

Matt_Watts said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

I live in Macgregor said :

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW). Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Thanks for your contribution Elias. I’ll have you know not every campaign director has been imported from NSW head office.

If anything, I’m amazed I haven’t seen chalkings along the footpath for Gallagher’s team.


Matt Watts
Liberal Candidate for Ginninderra

Wow, what a childish post from someone who wants to be an MLA.

Appreciate your opinion, yet I disagree.

Compare my identifying of that poster as the bloke in charge of the ALP campaign and what he said; what do you think is wrong with what I wrote?

He has previously identified himself under his RiotACT name, so I’m not breaching confidentiality. He is the ALP campaign puppet master, after all, and has chosen in the past publicly (and now, not-so-publicly) to contribute to the election debate. He was imported from the NSW Labor machine, so I didn’t say anything factually incorrect. I’m just adding to the balance for which the RiotACT is so famous!

But go ahead – it’s a democracy.

What is wrong with what you wrote? You are running for election and are so thin skinned that you have to bite at comments made by an ALP hack. You come across as looking very petty, very childish and more suited to being a careerist student politician than a potential Minister.

That’s your view, and of course it’s fine. The alternative is that I not engage like most other candidates, or post anonymously like a number of people with vested interests do.

I won’t apologise for putting out a view alternative to yours, as I’d never ask for an apology from you.

This site is an opportunity for a right of reply, after all. I see nothing wrong with reminding readers of Elias’s previously revealed vested interest.

but what action was taken against the driver who parked unlawfully, matt?

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

I live in Macgregor said :

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW). Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Thanks for your contribution Elias. I’ll have you know not every campaign director has been imported from NSW head office.

If anything, I’m amazed I haven’t seen chalkings along the footpath for Gallagher’s team.


Matt Watts
Liberal Candidate for Ginninderra

Wow, what a childish post from someone who wants to be an MLA.

Appreciate your opinion, yet I disagree.

Compare my identifying of that poster as the bloke in charge of the ALP campaign and what he said; what do you think is wrong with what I wrote?

He has previously identified himself under his RiotACT name, so I’m not breaching confidentiality. He is the ALP campaign puppet master, after all, and has chosen in the past publicly (and now, not-so-publicly) to contribute to the election debate. He was imported from the NSW Labor machine, so I didn’t say anything factually incorrect. I’m just adding to the balance for which the RiotACT is so famous!

But go ahead – it’s a democracy.

What is wrong with what you wrote? You are running for election and are so thin skinned that you have to bite at comments made by an ALP hack. You come across as looking very petty, very childish and more suited to being a careerist student politician than a potential Minister.

That’s your view, and of course it’s fine. The alternative is that I not engage like most other candidates, or post anonymously like a number of people with vested interests do.

I won’t apologise for putting out a view alternative to yours, as I’d never ask for an apology from you.

This site is an opportunity for a right of reply, after all. I see nothing wrong with reminding readers of Elias’s previously revealed vested interest.

colourful sydney racing identity said :

justin heywood said :

Wait, I must have come in late. So regular contributor ‘Colourful Sydney Racing Identity’ is in fact local Labor Party Secretary Elias Hallaj? The same bloke who ‘forgot’ to declare the $400,000 donation on his party’s electoral return? (from the ‘1973 Foundation’ , a front for pokie money.)

Perhaps he was too busy posting here about the dishonesty of the Liberals.

lulz. You take that back.

To clarify. I’m not betraying any confidences when I state that “I Live in Macgregor” is the alias here of Elias Halaj, current ACT Labor Secretary.

colourful sydney racing identity8:25 am 04 Oct 12

Matt_Watts said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

I live in Macgregor said :

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW). Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Thanks for your contribution Elias. I’ll have you know not every campaign director has been imported from NSW head office.

If anything, I’m amazed I haven’t seen chalkings along the footpath for Gallagher’s team.


Matt Watts
Liberal Candidate for Ginninderra

Wow, what a childish post from someone who wants to be an MLA.

Appreciate your opinion, yet I disagree.

Compare my identifying of that poster as the bloke in charge of the ALP campaign and what he said; what do you think is wrong with what I wrote?

He has previously identified himself under his RiotACT name, so I’m not breaching confidentiality. He is the ALP campaign puppet master, after all, and has chosen in the past publicly (and now, not-so-publicly) to contribute to the election debate. He was imported from the NSW Labor machine, so I didn’t say anything factually incorrect. I’m just adding to the balance for which the RiotACT is so famous!

But go ahead – it’s a democracy.

What is wrong with what you wrote? You are running for election and are so thin skinned that you have to bite at comments made by an ALP hack. You come across as looking very petty, very childish and more suited to being a careerist student politician than a potential Minister.

colourful sydney racing identity8:23 am 04 Oct 12

justin heywood said :

Wait, I must have come in late. So regular contributor ‘Colourful Sydney Racing Identity’ is in fact local Labor Party Secretary Elias Hallaj? The same bloke who ‘forgot’ to declare the $400,000 donation on his party’s electoral return? (from the ‘1973 Foundation’ , a front for pokie money.)

Perhaps he was too busy posting here about the dishonesty of the Liberals.

lulz. You take that back.

I live in Macgregor said :

Matt_Watts said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

I live in Macgregor said :

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW) . Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Thanks for your contribution Elias. I’ll have you know not every campaign director has been imported from NSW head office.

If anything, I’m amazed I haven’t seen chalkings along the footpath for Gallagher’s team.


Matt Watts
Liberal Candidate for Ginninderra

Wow, what a childish post from someone who wants to be an MLA.

Appreciate your opinion, yet I disagree.

Compare my identifying of that poster as the bloke in charge of the ALP campaign and what he said; what do you think is wrong with what I wrote?

He has previously identified himself under his RiotACT name, so I’m not breaching confidentiality. He is the ALP campaign puppet master, after all, and has chosen in the past publicly (and now, not-so-publicly) to contribute to the election debate. He was imported from the NSW Labor machine, so I didn’t say anything factually incorrect. I’m just adding to the balance for which the RiotACT is so famous!

But go ahead – it’s a democracy.

Actually I agree with the comment describing your post as childish Matt

And before you squeal too often that I’m ‘an import’ you perhaps should know I lived in Canberra for 9 years before taking up my current post, so you’re wrong on that one. Kind of makes all your other odd ‘NSW’ references about me a bit irrelevant too (yet ironic, given the photo which started the thread).

And although Liberal campaign directors may obtain some warped satisfaction in the paternalistic ‘puppet master’ tag I think it’s quite insulting and don’t think you show your chosen endeavour justice or respect with that reference. Ditto for ‘chalk markings’ … Seriously do you have to adopt every single cheap NSW-Liberal-inspired anti-Labor cliche?? Surely you can come up with your own paternalistic and xenophobic insults?

Well, it’s unfortunate you think that. Is in childish to bag out venues simply because they hosted a Liberal candidate?


You can’t have it both ways.

I live in Macgregor12:43 am 04 Oct 12

Matt_Watts said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

I live in Macgregor said :

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW) . Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Thanks for your contribution Elias. I’ll have you know not every campaign director has been imported from NSW head office.

If anything, I’m amazed I haven’t seen chalkings along the footpath for Gallagher’s team.


Matt Watts
Liberal Candidate for Ginninderra

Wow, what a childish post from someone who wants to be an MLA.

Appreciate your opinion, yet I disagree.

Compare my identifying of that poster as the bloke in charge of the ALP campaign and what he said; what do you think is wrong with what I wrote?

He has previously identified himself under his RiotACT name, so I’m not breaching confidentiality. He is the ALP campaign puppet master, after all, and has chosen in the past publicly (and now, not-so-publicly) to contribute to the election debate. He was imported from the NSW Labor machine, so I didn’t say anything factually incorrect. I’m just adding to the balance for which the RiotACT is so famous!

But go ahead – it’s a democracy.

Actually I agree with the comment describing your post as childish Matt

And before you squeal too often that I’m ‘an import’ you perhaps should know I lived in Canberra for 9 years before taking up my current post, so you’re wrong on that one. Kind of makes all your other odd ‘NSW’ references about me a bit irrelevant too (yet ironic, given the photo which started the thread).

And although Liberal campaign directors may obtain some warped satisfaction in the paternalistic ‘puppet master’ tag I think it’s quite insulting and don’t think you show your chosen endeavour justice or respect with that reference. Ditto for ‘chalk markings’ … Seriously do you have to adopt every single cheap NSW-Liberal-inspired anti-Labor cliche?? Surely you can come up with your own paternalistic and xenophobic insults?

justin heywood12:17 am 04 Oct 12

Wait, I must have come in late. So regular contributor ‘Colourful Sydney Racing Identity’ is in fact local Labor Party Secretary Elias Hallaj? The same bloke who ‘forgot’ to declare the $400,000 donation on his party’s electoral return? (from the ‘1973 Foundation’ , a front for pokie money.)

Perhaps he was too busy posting here about the dishonesty of the Liberals.

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Matt_Watts said :

I live in Macgregor said :

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW). Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Thanks for your contribution Elias. I’ll have you know not every campaign director has been imported from NSW head office.

If anything, I’m amazed I haven’t seen chalkings along the footpath for Gallagher’s team.


Matt Watts
Liberal Candidate for Ginninderra

Wow, what a childish post from someone who wants to be an MLA.

Appreciate your opinion, yet I disagree.

Compare my identifying of that poster as the bloke in charge of the ALP campaign and what he said; what do you think is wrong with what I wrote?

He has previously identified himself under his RiotACT name, so I’m not breaching confidentiality. He is the ALP campaign puppet master, after all, and has chosen in the past publicly (and now, not-so-publicly) to contribute to the election debate. He was imported from the NSW Labor machine, so I didn’t say anything factually incorrect. I’m just adding to the balance for which the RiotACT is so famous!

But go ahead – it’s a democracy.

colourful sydney racing identity5:19 pm 03 Oct 12

Matt_Watts said :

I live in Macgregor said :

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW). Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Thanks for your contribution Elias. I’ll have you know not every campaign director has been imported from NSW head office.

If anything, I’m amazed I haven’t seen chalkings along the footpath for Gallagher’s team.


Matt Watts
Liberal Candidate for Ginninderra

Wow, what a childish post from someone who wants to be an MLA.

I live in Macgregor said :

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW). Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Thanks for your contribution Elias. I’ll have you know not every campaign director has been imported from NSW head office.

If anything, I’m amazed I haven’t seen chalkings along the footpath for Gallagher’s team.


Matt Watts
Liberal Candidate for Ginninderra

astrojax said :

can anyone who actually knows say if this is really unlawful parking? how far from double unbroken centre lanes is one required to park?

208 Parallel parking on a road (except in a median strip parking area)
(6) If the road has a continuous dividing line or a dividing strip, the driver must position the vehicle at least 3 metres from any dividing line or dividing strip, unless otherwise indicated by information on or with a parking control sign.
(8) The driver must position the vehicle so the vehicle does not unreasonably obstruct the path of other vehicles or pedestrians.

source: Australian Road Rules

He’d be legally parked if the car was narrower and right against the gutter.

astrojax said :

can anyone who actually knows say if this is really unlawful parking? how far from double unbroken centre lanes is one required to park?

Further than that, that’s for damn sure. A car trying to pass it would need to have to wheels in the oncoming lane. Slimy Zed parks like a d-head.

can anyone who actually knows say if this is really unlawful parking? how far from double unbroken centre lanes is one required to park?

Zed, stop pulling my leg.

I live in Macgregor10:54 pm 02 Oct 12

Nice to see the NSW Liberals making yet another constructive contribution to their local Liberal apprentices in the ACT election with another Tony Abbott style scare campaign (not dissimilar to the ones they recently used in QLD, Vic,NSW). Won’t be long now before we see busloads of Sydney University Young Liberals on our local streets. Can’t wait to ask them about that “brilliant speech” they were raving about last week.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd9:49 pm 02 Oct 12


Also, what’s with the random trailers with real bad sign writing saying labour greens = triple rates?

Mr Gillespie6:48 pm 02 Oct 12

Next: Parking Gallager Style

That’s no worse than when I saw the vehicle and trailer being driven down the Barton Highway on Saturday by a young man with an iPhone that apparently had such urgent text messages on it that he could not pull over to deal with them. But perhaps I am jumping to conclusions and it was the new iPhone 5, and the young man is just so in love with it he couldn’t put it down to keep the car in its own lane.

Rawhide Kid Part35:49 pm 02 Oct 12

Book ’em Danno…

That’s a paddlin’.

GardeningGirl4:54 pm 02 Oct 12

One rule for politicians and one rule for the rest of us, nice message to send.

Kennardly, another public servant working hard then? 😉

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