When Labor trimmed the pubilc service with its ‘meat axe’ earlier this year. I had little idea that this had in fact been mandated by god. Jesus is thinning the ranks himself, proven further by the fact he’s not taking the hardworking ones – only the ones on leave.
This account of pube Courtney Krause taking in sunny Georgia when the Russians struck. That’s right – Georgia. Go figure. Looking at the Contiki website apparently the tour continues through South Ossetia and then on to Hell.
Then this report today of Hayden Adcock, still not out of the woods after getting lost in a Laotian Jungle for 11 days. Truly excellent pun.
For those of you that aren’t creationists, the alternative theory is that yes – there is natural selection within the public service. Darwinism is at work even in the shallowest of pools.
Either there are larger powers at work, or are two examples confirming what we have long suspected – Public Servants will go to great and sophisticated lengths to create a convincing case to have their leave without pay extended.