Pork Hunt has noticed that the plaque for the newest piece of public art in Civic proclaims it was launched (unveiled surely) by a “Joy Birch”.
We’ve enquired of Joy Burch’s office what’s being done and how much it’s going to cost and will let you know.
This from the office that produced the Rolltide tweet.
UPDATE 05/12/12 10:00: We’ve had this explanation from Joy Burch’s office:
The plaque that is currently there was only ever meant to be temporary one. A more permanent will be installed soon-with the correct name.
The temporary plaque process intrigued us so we asked for more details to this response:
I would have to get some advice on that-not my normal area of expertise. I will see what I can find out.
We look forward to hearing all about it.
UPDATE 05/12/12 14:30: This explanation has now arrived:
So some further information on Plaques.
For all public artworks we install bronze plaques, these plaques take about 4 weeks to make and install. Given that for many public art launches the date of final installation and unveiling is not always known that far in advance we install temporary plaques for the purposes of the ceremony.
For the Other Side of Midnight a permanent plaque has been ordered and the supplier is pursuing with the foundry to have this available prior to Christmas.