ABC Online is reporting on the Chief Minister setting the wheels in motion to expand the Assembly to either 21 or 25 members.
Wishfull thinking but I can only hope they examine single member electorates while they’re at it. Even if we got 18 ALP members at least they would be directly accountable to a specific electorate.
While I’m on the subject of wishlists a better system is needed to fill casual vacancies now that we’ve had four year terms foisted on us. The current system which re-visits long forgotten ballots to divine the next in line saw Jacqui Burke twice foisted on an unwilling electorate and a lot can change in three years.
UPDATED: The Canberra Times has now got coverage up. A beautifully typical Stanhope tanty about being Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory and not Lord High Poo-Baa of the Multiverse.
Mr Stanhope said yesterday he resented Commonwealth control of the ACT’s Parliament.
“It is anachronistic that after 16 years of self-government the Commonwealth is still deciding matters of importance to the ACT, such as the number of Members in the Legislative Assembly,” he said.
Can you imagine the indulgences they’d grant themselves if that check didn’t exist??