[First filed: October 04, 2008 @ 23:27]

A friend and I headed to Goulburn on Friday night to check out some old buildings he had been told about.
He was looking for a set for an up and coming short film he is making and asked me to take some stills to show prospective sponsors.
Let me tell you… man this place would be awesome for any silent hill/resident evil/the ring style movie.
(Slideshow and more below)
These buildings are an old orphanage, and by my own mothers accounts as an attendee when she was a child, the place is of great sadness.
She was admitted there when my Grandmother was down the road at Kenmore Mental Asylum, and my Grandfather could not look after all 9 children.
Basic story she told me (I did not want to pry) was that when she was accepted, they took all her clothes she had taken there and was issued with one set of clothes and underwear.
These clothes and 1 set of underwear were worn for a week between washes and if you soiled them, you were beaten.
Beating of children (Not disciplinary beatings, but old school mentally scarring beatings) were common… and thats where I changed the subject..
This place is scary, if not haunted… There was not a breath of wind when we accessed the site, but by pure coincidence the wind started blowing fiercely when we got a few meters from the property.
There was scarcely any windows not broken and this caused the upper windows to catch the stronger winds and blow it out the lower windows, a perfectly explainable phenomenon, but scary as hell none the less, standing near a window to a gaping maw of pure black darkness with a fierce gale blowing out the window into your face..