NKRYPT is the name of Questacon’s latest outdoor exhibition. A series of eight steel poles each containing a different code or cipher. The first to correctly crack the code will win a balloon ride and a family pass to Questacon. Johnboy has also offered up a pint to any Rioter if they get there first.
NKRYPT is Questacon’s contribution to the area of cryptography. It joins other outdoor sculptural exhibits in the area around Questacon, providing engagement and stimulation for visitors and passersby. NKRYPT is a puzzle to be solved. It contains many separate codes and ciphers, laser cut into eight stainless steel poles. The challenges are all discrete but interlinked, and solving one may provide a clue to solving others. Some are intended to be quickly broken, others are more challenging. Decoding a message may reveal a further puzzle to be solved. The final code will open with a key that will emerge from the solution of all the other codes.
So get to it gang.