Remember when Jon Stanhope posed before the cameras of the Canberra Times a few years ago dressed in a white lab coat and holding a stethoscope? No? Well, that’s because he never did. The Canberra Times photo-shopped it. I recall they defended those actions vigorously, complaining loudly that it isn’t unethical and happens all the time. So imagine my surprise today while reading the BBC online to see that Associated Press has suspended the use of a photo of a US General because, shock horror, the background Stars and Stripes was digitally inserted. They claim that this sort of thing ‘damages credibility’.
“For us, there’s a zero-tolerance policy of adding or subtracting actual content from an image,” said Santiago Lyon, AP’s director of photography.
They should take a leaf out of the CT book of ethics and chill out man. Like, who cares about credibility anymore anyway?
[ED – to be fair there have been a lot of changes at the CT since that particular atrocity.]