1 April 2013

April fool monday parking

| johnboy
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A great number of you have been busy with your phone cams documenting the shocking selfishness and poor driving skills of Canberra’s bad parkers.

And so without further ado here we go.

1. No sooner had Barcham (last seen at the Folk Festival no doubt having a lovely time) posted last week’s story than the new ones started rolling in. This one from c_c:

Walking back from Lonsdale Roasters, and right on cue for parking fail Monday…


2. Paul had this shot:

The front guard of the red car was nearly touching the door of the green car.


3. Andy was emphatic about this effort:

This douchebag at the New Acton Apartments either really likes room to swing his doors, or is sick of people parking in his spare spot – in a nearly empty swipe-pass car park.


4. FXST01 noted this aberration in Fyshwick:

Every time I visit this area (Fyshwick) the same car is parked the same way. Car owner must be a bit precious.


5. Shaun promises this was parking and not just driving.

Saw this a little while ago car was well and truly parked no attempt made to get next to the curb just parked basically in the middle of the road. lol


6. Busbooster was not impressed:

This jagoff drives his X5 really fast as I’m trying to cross the road to catch my bus, so I have no hesitation in submitting him for your condemnation. The sign says NO STOPPING!


7. Mark notes a Canberra/Bentley double down at the coast:

no where safe from canberra parking

taken at Tomakin IGA near the Moorings timeshare yesterday afternoon – having a bentley means never having to say you’re sorry!


8. Busbooster came back for a second bite at the cherry:

This photo was meant to be a comment on the cavalier parking habits of local construction workers. Instead, it turned out to be an accidental masterpiece of forced perspective – the man in the foreground appears to be hauling his tiny workmate up the hill on his inappropriately parked 4WD.

forced perspective

9. Pork Hunt found more coastal atrocities (it should be noted with NSW plates):

Parking fail duet from B’Bay last week.

batemans bay

10. Julian sent us the best of Erindale:

The funniest part about this is the guy was walking back to his car as we drove off, carrying a six pack of low-carb beer. Kinda says it all!


11. A reader has sent in his own car that has been the subject of a parking vigilante:

I love grabbing a coffee on Monday then browsing through photos of Canberra’s worst parking. Thanks for the laughs.

This morning I jumped in the car to find someone had stuck this sticker on my windshield! I was parked on my front lawn outside the house (Kambah) on Saturday night, didn’t think was actually illegal but happy to be corrected. The sticker was a pain in the you know what to remove too. Maybe I have a grumpy neighbour or we have a bad parking vigilante in Canberra.

Anyway was wondering if any of your readers had seen or experienced anything similar on their cars?

Happy for you to post the picture on the site but would prefer to remain anonymous.


12. Bubzie got in on the action:

Double bad parking at the Hellenic club tonight.


13. And P1 rounded out lucky number 13:

Not very bad parking by RA standards, but it was Sunday evening, and
80% of spaces in the carpark were empty…


As always keep your eyes peeled, your phones ready, and zap the results through to images@the-riotact.com .

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IrishPete said :

Too lazy to stop and get a photo, but this evening a 4wd was parked diagonally across two or maybe three spots at University of Canberra playing fields at about 7pm, just off Hayden Drive. Although the car park was empty, when I entered UC just before 3.30pm it was pretty much full.

Gawd only knows why they felt the need to that. I actually wonder were they trying to get themselves on RiotACT. Has johnboy unleashed a monster?


This vehicle was there again todya, still no photo – it has no plates, so perhaps it’s abandoned. One wheel seems to be mounted on a kerb. It may be taking up part of three spaces, which are always at a premium at UC….


Frustrated said :

bundah said :

Image 11 had prompted me to suggest that Riot Act stickers should be mass produced and attached to all badly parked vehicles prior to capturing image!

I know you jest, because if you were caught doing such a thing, I think you find would its damaging personal property.

Then who is the real criminal?

Come on now a Riotact sticker on the windscreen would surely be considered an honour rather than unsightly or damaging even if associated with bad parking.

Nobody go stickering with our logo!

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Yar but its well away from the road and not obstructing a path so what’s the issue besides its not a designated parking area? I can’t see it bothering anybody.

Principle of equality. The hundreds of people who parked legally in the car park paid, he didn’t but is still using the same land and obtaining comparable convenience.

bundah said :

Image 11 had prompted me to suggest that Riot Act stickers should be mass produced and attached to all badly parked vehicles prior to capturing image!

I know you jest, because if you were caught doing such a thing, I think you find would its damaging personal property. Then who is the real criminal?

Too lazy to stop and get a photo, but this evening a 4wd was parked diagonally across two or maybe three spots at University of Canberra playing fields at about 7pm, just off Hayden Drive. Although the car park was empty, when I entered UC just before 3.30pm it was pretty much full.

Gawd only knows why they felt the need to that. I actually wonder were they trying to get themselves on RiotACT. Has johnboy unleashed a monster?


tim_c said :

Dilandach said :

Bateman’s bay? What, are these threads branching out interstate now (Ignoring Struggle-Town)? We going to have some photos up of dodgy parking in Wagga? Sydney? or we going to give Perth or Adelaide a crack?

As I understand, they are ACT plated vehicles.

The two Batemans Bay parking fail subjects had NSW plates. I did submit one of an ACT plated parking fail at the Bay but the powers that be chose not to publish it.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd3:27 pm 02 Apr 13

Pork Hunt said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Yar but its well away from the road and not obstructing a path so what’s the issue besides its not a designated parking area? I can’t see it bothering anybody.

Except when the joint is packed on a weekday in a pay parking zone. Are you suggesting a free for all as long as it doesn’t bother anybody. I’m 100% certain that your version of not bothering anybody doesn’t match mine (or vice versa).

to be fair im not sure where it is or what sort of foot traffic it gets. nobody in the pic though. From the photo a lone i see no problems with peeps parking there if everything else is full.

and yes, please post that screen shot.

Dilandach said :

Bateman’s bay? What, are these threads branching out interstate now (Ignoring Struggle-Town)? We going to have some photos up of dodgy parking in Wagga? Sydney? or we going to give Perth or Adelaide a crack?

As I understand, they are ACT plated vehicles.

I’m not sure why parking diagonally across the two private-carpark parking spots you’re paying for counts as douchebagger or bad parking. It’s not like anyone else needs access to those spots.

tim_c said :

pptvb said :

Oh, this is GOLD!
@ #11. I have a fair idea who placed the sticker on your car.
It is one of many pissed off neighbours.
Your “lawn” is actually the nature strip between the foot path & the road. You and other residents of your units constantly park there and it is dangerous.
Your vehicles block the view of cars turning out of Castley Cr. as the approaching traffic is coming over a slight rise & around a slight bend.
We have spoken to many residents about their parking, and the dangers, Parking inspectors have issued tickets, Yet laziness prevails over common sense.

Rant Over.

( I will send photos of your “lawn” to JB )

Cool, can you tell us where to get the stickers?! 😉

One of my neighbours had them printed up.
Apparently they’re a bitch to remove.

pptvb said :

Oh, this is GOLD!
@ #11. I have a fair idea who placed the sticker on your car.
It is one of many pissed off neighbours.
Your “lawn” is actually the nature strip between the foot path & the road. You and other residents of your units constantly park there and it is dangerous.
Your vehicles block the view of cars turning out of Castley Cr. as the approaching traffic is coming over a slight rise & around a slight bend.
We have spoken to many residents about their parking, and the dangers, Parking inspectors have issued tickets, Yet laziness prevails over common sense.

Rant Over.

( I will send photos of your “lawn” to JB )

I guess your Kindergarten teacher failed to teach you to keep your hands off other peoples property….

johnboy said :

The bay is pretty much local, especially on a long weekend.

quit your bitching.

It incosiderate you know…….

pptvb said :

Oh, this is GOLD!
@ #11. I have a fair idea who placed the sticker on your car.
It is one of many pissed off neighbours.
Your “lawn” is actually the nature strip between the foot path & the road. You and other residents of your units constantly park there and it is dangerous.
Your vehicles block the view of cars turning out of Castley Cr. as the approaching traffic is coming over a slight rise & around a slight bend.
We have spoken to many residents about their parking, and the dangers, Parking inspectors have issued tickets, Yet laziness prevails over common sense.

Rant Over.

( I will send photos of your “lawn” to JB )

Cool, can you tell us where to get the stickers?! 😉

I love the effort put in by that neighbour (pic 11), he most likely went and had those stickers made up…


Oh, this is GOLD!
@ #11. I have a fair idea who placed the sticker on your car.
It is one of many pissed off neighbours.
Your “lawn” is actually the nature strip between the foot path & the road. You and other residents of your units constantly park there and it is dangerous.
Your vehicles block the view of cars turning out of Castley Cr. as the approaching traffic is coming over a slight rise & around a slight bend.
We have spoken to many residents about their parking, and the dangers, Parking inspectors have issued tickets, Yet laziness prevails over common sense.

Rant Over.

( I will send photos of your “lawn” to JB )

watto23 said :

#3 probably was sick of others parking badly in his car park spaces so he is doing it for them. if they are both his, he probably has a right to them both…

#4, the reader only found one badly parked car there? As someone who worked in that building i can assure you at least 3 or 4 people don’t know how to park. So much so one guy decided to park perpendicular to the lines, thus myself and one other moved our cars to either end so there was no way he could leave. We also knew our older less trendy cars were safe, because there was no way they’d want to damgae their hotted up car 😉

agree, if you have 2 spots and 1 car then take the whole damn lot!!!

Australian Road Rules 197 (1) a driver must not stop on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path or dividing strip or a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area unless a parking control sign applies.

If no 11 was parked on the Nature Strip, rather than inside their actual lease, the above applies. Not sure who the sticker is from, I’ve never seen anything like that from the Parking Inspectors. I would suggest a narky neighbour trying to make a point and maybe forewarn you before they ring the Parking inspectors?

#3 probably was sick of others parking badly in his car park spaces so he is doing it for them. if they are both his, he probably has a right to them both…

#4, the reader only found one badly parked car there? As someone who worked in that building i can assure you at least 3 or 4 people don’t know how to park. So much so one guy decided to park perpendicular to the lines, thus myself and one other moved our cars to either end so there was no way he could leave. We also knew our older less trendy cars were safe, because there was no way they’d want to damgae their hotted up car 😉

el said :

Pork Hunt said :

Are you suggesting a free for all as long as it doesn’t bother anybody.

Can you post a screenshot of him suggesting this?

Bateman’s bay? What, are these threads branching out interstate now (Ignoring Struggle-Town)? We going to have some photos up of dodgy parking in Wagga? Sydney? or we going to give Perth or Adelaide a crack?

The bay is pretty much local, especially on a long weekend.

quit your bitching.

Pork Hunt said :

Are you suggesting a free for all as long as it doesn’t bother anybody.

Can you post a screenshot of him suggesting this?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Yar but its well away from the road and not obstructing a path so what’s the issue besides its not a designated parking area? I can’t see it bothering anybody.

Except when the joint is packed on a weekday in a pay parking zone. Are you suggesting a free for all as long as it doesn’t bother anybody. I’m 100% certain that your version of not bothering anybody doesn’t match mine (or vice versa).

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd7:11 pm 01 Apr 13

Yar but its well away from the road and not obstructing a path so what’s the issue besides its not a designated parking area? I can’t see it bothering anybody.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

I don’t see a issue with either one or three.

Number 1 is nowhere near a designated parking area. Just because you can get a 4WD onto it, doesn’t make it a legal park.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd12:49 pm 01 Apr 13

I don’t see a issue with either one or three.

Image 11 had prompted me to suggest that Riot Act stickers should be mass produced and attached to all badly parked vehicles prior to capturing image!

I dont see whats wrong with number 3, unless its not his parking spot. He payed for them why cant he use them? same as me parking in the middle of my double driveway.

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