[ED – Firestone responded to this post with one of their own.]
This is a review of sorts, but more a record of my experiences I have had with Firestone Italian restaurant.
I have decided to post this story because, I believe that I should advise people of my experiences in the hope that they can learn from them.
I have attached below transcripts of y emails to this restaurant in the hope that they would have addressed my issues, however, having given them ample time, I have not heard a thing. I am hoping posting this has 2 results.
1) That you learn from my wife and I’s experience and
2) Hoping that I force Firestones hand in providing me with a reasonable response.
Anyhow, below is the 2 emails I sent Firestone, with the pictures I attached to the emails.
From: Daniel B
Sent: Friday, 11 July 2008 11:35 PM
To: ‘contact@firestonepizzeria.com.au’
Subject: To Whom It May Concern
To whom it may concern.
My wife and I wish to transmit an experience we had at your restaurant on the night of the 8th July 2008 (Tuesday).
We recently got your pamphlet in the mail and decided that we should try your restaurant out.
We rang up at approximately 6pm and ordered for take away.
We ordered 1 serve of meatballs and spaghetti, a serve of the tomato and goats cheese gnocchi, a side of greens and a dessert pizza, the white chocolate and strawberry one.
We were advised that our order will be ready in 15 minutes (It was early into service) so we proceeded from home to pick up the food.
We arrived and got our order, costing us $50.60, and my wife and I noted that because we paid more than $50 we got the complimentary serve of meat balls.
On arrival home, having been smelling the dessert pizza all the way home, we were keen to open the box and have a peek inside.
I have taken a photo of what was inside the pizza box and attached it for your perusal.

As you can clearly see in the photograph there was only 4 strawberries and 4 marshmallows and scant white chocolate and even 2 pieces of pizza with scant topping on them
With having seen the dessert pizza, we decided to inspect the rest of our meal.
Attached is another picture of what is described on your pamphlet menu as mixed greens tossed in butter.

Upon recollection, this side cost approximately $9.
Not only was the container barely 1/3rd full, the vegetables were cooked to a mushy consistency and were swimming in butter.
My wife and I agreed that this was not what we would have called good value for money.
Our mains were unfortunately quite disappointing as well.
My wife had the spaghetti and meatballs and said that the meatballs tasted ìfunnyî, I tasted one and it did have a metallic coppery taste to it. What this taste was I can not explain, however she decided not to finish her meal and as a result it went in the bin with the complimentary meat balls.
Having paid $13.90 for what your menu describes as Gnocchi with light Napoli sauce and crumbled goats cheese, I was disappointed to see that a frozen type of gnocchi was used. Additionally it was cooked to the point of having the consistency of play dough. The light Napoli sauce was barely even a sauce.
When I make a Napoli sauce, I use plenty of garlic, onions, diced tomato and fresh basil, brown sugar and a touch of balsamic vinegar. We would have expected nothing less at an Italian pizza restaurant.
Instead the sauce was the consistence of a runny tomato paste and was quite un-appetizing.
A well established competitor of yours sells their pasta dishes for between $12.90 and $14.90 and my wife and I have rarely been disappointed with the quality of their food.
In all, $50.60 is not much to lose on a dinner, but that does not mean my wife and I expect to be served up sub standard food.
When you are trying to establish yourself as a reputable business less than 100m from a well established pizza pasta restaurant, I guess it is important to get the perspective of the paying customer ñ regardless of positive or negative.
In any case, we are not seeking any type of hand out or freebie, however, what I would like is confirmation that the correct person did read this email and that it will be addressed accordingly.
Not wishing to hide behind the guise of internet anonymity, I will provide you with my full contact details should you wish to discuss this further with me.
I hope for both of our benefits that you can move to remedy and assure me that should we provide you with further business, our next transaction in your restaurant is both a pleasant and rewarding one for both all involved, and in turn, providing you with repeat custom.
After waiting 10 days I sent the follow up email below
To whom it may concern,
I addressed this email to your establishment 10 days ago.
I just wanted to make sure that you did in fact receive it, or not.
If you had received it, can you please acknowledge that you have, if this is the first time receiving it, I look forward to your reply
Discuss – do you think i was too heavy handed, was I entitled to a reply? have I gone too far ?
Hopefully this will (As riotact has in the past) force their hand into a structured reply where I have had no luck myself.