The ACT has the lowest annual road crashes and fatalities per 100,000 population among all Australian states and territories.
However, previous studies by ARRB Group for the NRMA-ACT Road Safety Trust on crashes involving ACT vehicles, drivers and riders in New South Wales (NSW) between 1992 and 2011 found that residents of the ACT are equally likely to be involved in a fatal crash in NSW as they are in the ACT.
ARRB Group is conducting a survey on ACT driver and rider experiences on the NSW road network. The survey is part of an NRMA-ACT Road Safety Trust funded project seeking to examine the different risks, behaviour and attitudes of ACT drivers and riders towards road safety on New South Wales roads.
The survey aims to investigate how ACT drivers and riders perceive the risk of driving and the precautions they take when driving in New South Wales, with a view to providing better and more targeted advice to reduce crashes involving ACT vehicles, drivers and riders in NSW.
The findings of this survey will be examined and used to develop recommendations for strategies to assist ACT residents travel more safely in NSW.
The survey is aimed at ACT drivers and riders (regardless of licence type) who have ridden or driven on NSW roads as the vehicle controllers. It includes questions on: driving or riding experience, frequency of travel in NSW; driving or riding experience on NSW roads; road user opinion on speed, drink and drug driving, restraint use, driver distraction and road safety in NSW.
The survey is available online at Perceived risk of riding or driving in NSW. Alternatively, a hard copy can be made available upon request. It will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
The outcomes of this study will be published by the NRMA-ACT Road Safety Trust and also conference papers and journal articles may ensue from the project.
If you have any queries, please contact Ms Tariro Makwasha (ARRB Group)
Tel: (03) 9881 1645
Fax: (03) 9887 8104
Ms Tariro Makwasha
ARRB Group Ltd
500 Burwood Highway
Vermont South
VIC 3133