Just found this report on Yahoo news about Simon Corbell making a public statement to people to avoid using this fencing business (Premier Fencing) run by a Mr Wayne Kelly. A fairly unusual step for the govt to take, although I do seem to recall a similar warning about another tradie a couple of years ago.
Courageous Lakespeare deserves more support to cement it in Canberra's events calendar
My daughter, Canberra born and bred, has performed for free in Lakespeare for many times. She even… View
Agree!!!! They deserve more government support as it’s such a gift to the community and well… View
It was indeed a fantastic production!! View
The sod has turned on a long-awaited community centre in the ACT's fastest growing district
Sarah Kristine Woden was renovated last year in a process that took longer than expected due to the… View
Sorry, they’re looking at building a new library too?? That’ll be the third in under 20 years.… View
Hawker shops proposal needs housing, government tells Woolworths
I'd never live above a shop. The noises of businesses opening up / closing up and after-hour… View
Hawker is dodgy now. Add in residential and an underground carpark and we have another Dickson. View
Amy Pendragon that's okay, everyone gets to choose and these places are filling up. Singles and… View
There is no turning the clock back on home-based work
Meanwhile, back in the real world, businesses worldwide are getting people back to the office. For… View
I'd quit if I was forced back to the office full-time. Hybrid is just fine. View
All great points- but another benefit of working from home are the environmental benefits of people… View