The ACT currently has no active COVID-19 cases. Photo: ACT Health.
The ACT is officially COVID-19-free again after ACT Health confirmed that the last person with a positive diagnosis had recovered.
The ACT recorded a new case almost a fortnight ago when a returning diplomat arrived in Sydney but drove to Canberra before self-isolating.
It was the ACT’s first case since 4 May.
More than 590 negative cases have been returned in the last 24-hours, bringing the ACT’s total number of tests to 24,320. Three deaths have been recorded in the ACT from COVID-19, and 105 people recovered from the virus.
For further information about the health and economic response to COVID-19 in the ACT, visit the dedicated COVID- 19 website.
The ACT Government has also established a helpline to assist Canberrans through the challenges of COVID-19. The helpline is available on 6207 7244 and operates between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm daily.