Hi all
I’m wondering who do we contact to have a gripe about specific areas that are locally known to be ‘black spots’? I’d like to think that we, the general public can contact someone to have an assessment and possible upgrade.
The intersection of Hibberson Street and Hinder Street in Gungahlin is quite a nasty place. It really does need to have traffic lights. There have been numerous accidents there and I will travel out of my way to avoid having to use it.
Another terrible place is the section of road on Gundaroo Road in Gungahlin.
The specific section of road I am thinking about begins at the lights of the intersection of Gundaroo Road and Gungahlin Drive and continues up to Ginn Street. As you travel north on this road, directly after the traffic lights, it ‘forms one lane’ and also has a stupid dog leg in it. People rush to get through the traffic lights, only to have to brake suddenly to form one lane and cope with the dog leg. On top of that, there is the round about at Ginn Street where people often turn off to get to the service stations or Waves Car Wash.
Surely I’m not the only one who knows how dangerous these places are? Too many mentions are made about speeding, mobile phones while driving and drink driving. It’s time to mention the poor planning. Do you remember when the intersection of Gundaroo Road and Gungahlin Drive was a round about? They had barely completed the round about when they realised that it wasn’t going to cope with the amount of traffic. Poor planning. Just like the GDE. It should have been duel carriageway from the beginning but short sightedness and poor planning struck once again.