I’ve been perusing the new Action bus timetables with interest these past weeks but one key concern of mine is likely to remain unchanged and eternally frustrating – early-departing buses.
I have had conversations with many people who share the frustrating experience of walking towards the bus stop, at good 4-5 minutes to spare, only to see the bus sail by unabated. The worst case, last week at 7.40 as I approached the Kingston Eyre St bus stop I saw the 7.47 service stop, pick up one passenger and then, as myself and one other hapless soul ran down the pavement from behind to catch it, re-depart instantly.
I understand that buses can run early if there’s no one to pick up and the traffic is non-existent. However, I also understand that it is usual practice to wait before re-departing at major stops. Surely the Kingston shops should be one of these? Furthermore, I have heard stories of the 39 bus departing the its terminus train station a full 6 minutes before it’s departure time – this is a TERMINUS stop!! Did the bus driver just get bored with waiting?! Well that’s just fantastic for the person who now has to wait 40 minutes for the next one.
A new timetable is a like a new coat of paint. Let’s hope the timetable that starts on June 2 fills in the cracks rather than just glossing over them.