ACTION will be implementing a Real Time Passenger Information System by 2013, which aims to provide passengers with information about the timeliness of busses they’re trying to catch. All the available details are on the ACT Transport site.
I’m sure some people will find this interesting. Will you make use of the RTPIS when it is up and running?
For me the only difficulty with commuting by bus is that I have to catch the bus serving the stop nearest my office before 5:20pm, otherwise I’ll end up arriving in Tuggeranong after 6:30pm, when the busses switch to their one-per-hour schedule for the rest of the night. It doesn’t matter to me whether the next bus at this stop is going to be early or late: my first leg Dickson to Civic is service by a half-dozen routes, with busses arriving about one every three minutes. My last leg home is served by two busses (11 and 65), which depart Tuggeranong once an hour, within 15 minutes of each other.
I’d prefer a Google Transit project be implemented before a RTIS, since my casual consultation has drawn the conclusion that people I know don’t catch the bus because they dislike having to spend time with a dozen bus timetables to figure out which bus to catch and which transfers they have to make. The habit of busses not appearing at the indicated times is a non-issue, since these potential users never got over the first hurdle.