18 February 2025

There's no insurance for policy on the run

| Chris Johnson
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Hon Peter Dutton MP

Peter Dutton floated the idea that he intends to carve up the insurance industry just like he plans to break up supermarket and hardware chains. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

Peter Dutton could have been still riding high on the wave of good polling numbers suggesting The Lodge is within his reach, but instead, he’s spitting sand out of his mouth after being dumped on the beach of bewilderment over his own policy-on-the-run comments.

Pollster YouGov’s latest survey suggests the Opposition Leader might well be in a position to form minority government after this year’s election if he can coax two or three crossbenchers into supporting the Coalition.

It’s just another poll, and there will be many more published before the only poll that counts comes around on election day.

With an election so close, however, the numbers would have buoyed Coalition ranks so eager to get back on the Treasury benches.

It would be an impressive victory indeed, to displace a one-term Labor government.

One-term federal governments are very rare in Australian politics, the most recent being in 1931 when Labor’s James Scullin was toppled in the midst of the Great Depression.

Dutton would have Australians believe the nation’s economic circumstances are almost as dire and require a change of government.

Cost of living has been his mantra for some time because he believes such scaremongering will work on the electorate.

So when polling indicates that he might be onto something, it’s cause for celebration, even if only behind closed doors, so as not to invite the curse of hubris.

But the Opposition Leader brought that party to a crashing halt on the weekend with some nonsensical rambling about tearing up the insurance sector.

Dutton used a number of interviews to put the idea out there that he intends to carve up the insurance industry just like he plans to break up supermarket and hardware chains.

Insurance premiums are getting out of control, he insists, and he’s going to do something about it.

“There are, obviously, reinsurance issues, some of which are outside of our country’s control, but we need competition, we need depth in the insurance pool and we need to make sure that we’re not being ripped off by insurance companies,” he said during one interview.

“As we’ve done with the supermarkets, where we have threatened divestment if consumers are being ripped off; similarly, in the insurance market, we will intervene to make sure that consumers get a fair go.”

The insurance industry’s response was an immediate ‘good luck with that’ and commentary to the effect that divestiture is not a silver bullet for rising insurance premiums.

That’s fine; Dutton can deal with that kind of talk.

But it’s the response from within his own ranks that have wounded the Opposition Leader.

None of his frontbench backed him up on the issue when asked about it because they didn’t know about it.

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It’s obvious Dutton didn’t take his brainstorm of an idea to his shadow cabinet before he took it to the media.

Nationals leader David Littleproud put paid to the idea during a Radio National interview on Monday (17 February) when he made it clear that Dutton’s policy idea wasn’t put to the Coalition’s joint party room because – wait for it – “it’s not a policy”.

“It would be unfair to say that was a policy announced by Peter Dutton,” Littleproud added.

“What he said was, don’t underestimate our determination to look to pull policy levers that we have in other industries.”

OK, that’s as clear as mud – which was muddied further by Dutton’s subsequent obfuscation over whether he had indeed put the plan to the party.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers put it quite succinctly when he noted that without the Nationals, the Coalition has no policy.

“We know that because David Littleproud shafted the leader of his party this morning,” Chalmers said during a press conference on Monday.

“So Peter Dutton’s so-called policy didn’t last 24 hours.”

Dutton’s thought bubble also led to further questions about his grand nuclear plan for the nation and whether insurance had been factored into the costs of the scheme.

Apparently not. You don’t have to think about these things when you make policy on the run.

Can we get back to talking about the polling numbers, anyone?

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without the union the labor party has no policy and would be unviable.

Given Labor’s National Policy Forum comprises, inter alia, “20 representatives of affiliated trade unions”, is there a purpose to your post?

HiddenDragon8:09 pm 19 Feb 25

Unsustainably low premiums was not the sole cause of the 2001 collapse of HIH Insurance (the 2nd largest Australian insurer at the time) but it was a significant contributor to that disaster, which ended up costing Australian taxpayers billions.

Some relief from extortionate premiums, which have risen at many times the rate of inflation for many years, would be nice, but the HIH disaster, and the reality that the Australian market (even with NZ tacked on) is too small to sustain much competition for the provision of major services, needs to be kept very clearly in mind.

The real point of this episode is not so much about policy on the run – that happens across the political spectrum, and stuff-ups can just as easily come from supposedly considered policy processes which actually occur in an echo chamber – but that doing anything appreciable about the big household bills will be very difficult for whichever party emerges from the election with their noses in front.

Boohoo the riotact is mean….yeah, nah…Dutton doesn’t have any policies except culture wars distractions and his brain fart nuclear “policy” which even he knows won’t happen.

The left attack Dutton for having no policy, but have conniption fits over his Nuclear policy

Yeah about that, Fp … unlike you, sensible people actually look at the economics and timeframe of Dutton’s nuclear policy, and say “yeah … nah!” – irrespective of what side of the political divide they sit.

Capital Retro4:11 pm 18 Feb 25

The insurance industry has become a cartel.
Lot’s of seemingly vastly different insurance products competing against each other are actually business names owned by the same operator.
It needs the cleaners put right through it.

Yet another anti-conservative story with little recourse to the present facts. Not only that but including all the tired old lines about the ” only poll that matters is the election etc etc.” A more likely scenario is the the ALP hasn’t “just shot themselves in the foot” but delivered a somewhat fatal wound electorally. Policies that no one wants, policies that squander Australians tax dollars on unachievable goals and that makes every one worse off in spite of promising the opposite. With a primary vote sitting at around 30% it’s the ALP that are exiting the Treasury benches for a Dutton led Conservative Government and not the leftist political wish list here above.

Ahhh, the Riotact has started its usual pre-election scare and smear campaign against the Liberals.

Look who the “scare campaigners” are Ken? Same every election for how long?

Truly amazing Ken that your critique of the Riotact article was allowed. Whatever you do don’t point out who writes the stories. That’s not allowed. Take it from me.

Sigh. The RiotALP journal is at it again. Not the slightest effort at balance.

One could be forgiven for getting the impression that The Riotact is starting to run a deliberate anti-Coalition campaign this election. It might be worth reading the room Riotact, Labor are badly on the nose and a 1931 repeat is looming.

Penfold, personally I’m glad journalists are starting to ask for details on Dutton’s policies (and sometimes, lack of policies). He has had far too easy a run so far.

As long as they ask for details from both sides megsy. All sides even. Perhaps Riotact could start reporting on the achievements, including all the broken promises, of the current government.

Spot on. Roll on the election so we can rid ourselves of this Albanese mob.

Penfold, I agree the performance of the current govt should be properly examined. As should the performance of previous ministers who are standing again. Dutton’s performance as a minister should not be ignored.

Margaret Freemantle7:59 pm 18 Feb 25

With you on that. Labor needs a second term to clean up the LNP mess and then let’s see……

Margaret Freemantle8:01 pm 18 Feb 25

And have Dutton and his negativity and conservative narrow mind? No thanks!

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