Albert McKnight joins Region Media as court reporter. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
Albert McKnight has joined Region Media‘s growing stable of journalists, expanding the digital publisher’s coverage to take in the ACT courts. He has reported at NSW Local and District Court level and is looking forward to engaging with the ACT’s judicial system.
Raised on the NSW South Coast, Albert studied psychology at the University of Wollongong before starting in journalism. He has seven years’ experience as a reporter in the region covering a multitude of issues, from politics and police, to court and community.
“The love of telling a good story took me into journalism in 2014 and I’ve been writing ever since,” Albert said.
“As a strong believer in transparent justice, I look forward to focusing on covering court matters in the Canberra region, looking at crimes but also the impact they have on people in the community.
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“My spare time is spent on books, the beach, music and (when it’s possible) travelling the globe.”
Albert will be writing for RiotACT, About Regional, RiotACT China and Region’s multiple social media properties.
Group editor Genevieve Jacobs welcomed Albert to the team, saying his expertise in court reporting and his strong, local roots in the community made him a perfect match for the role.
“We’ve already seen the strong reader reaction to Albert’s court stories, and the appetite for more,” she said. “We also love the fact that he knows the Bega Valley Shire intimately and is well-placed to bring its stories to a wider audience.
“Region Media is strongly focussed on providing local coverage of local stories from local journalists. Court reporting is one of the cornerstones of community journalism, and we’re delighted to appoint someone dedicated to that role.”
Region Media‘s reach into the Capital Region continues to grow and now stands at around 620,000 monthly unique website visitors and over 315,000 direct social media followers across our publications.
In addition to the growing Canberra-based team, Region journalists also report from the South West Slopes and Tablelands, Mid and Far South Coast, Queanbeyan and Braidwood.
Contact Albert McKnight via email on amcknight@region.com.au or the About Regional team on hello@aboutregional.com.au.