Put an ad in AllClassifieds for a desktop computer. As one does. Today I got an email from a gentleman who purports to go by the name of Andrew Nix. The email read thus:
- Hello there,
I just need to tell you that this is a very lovely property you have
gotten here and I am interested in buying it outrightly. For a quick
sale, I will pay you $700.00 for this property .Let me know if my
offer is accepted so that we can finalize this ASAP.
NB: Honestly, I do not know the actual worth of this property ,If my
offer is not ok, Let me know so i can shoot up abit or bring it
down as the case maybe.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Smelling a rat, I asked the gentleman if he would advise of his location and got this reply:
- I will be making arrangement for the pick up but I will like to know
if my offer is accepted.
Being rather fond of what little money I generate from selling surplus gear, I declined his kind offer. The reason? Almost certainly this ‘Andrew Nix’ is fishing for prey in the counterfeit cheque/money order business. Naturally I don’t have proof but this offer bears all the hallmarks of this type of sting.
So, good people of Canberra, if you get offered a deal for an item you’ve listed on AllClassifieds or anywhere else for that matter that seems too good to be true, it almost certainly will turn out to be just that, and chances are your money will disappear into cyberspace never to be seen again.