Andrew Barr was on the ABC this morning but hasn’t seen fit to publish a media release on this.
Regardless the Greens have announced their joy at a deal to end battery cage egg production in Canberra, particularly at the Parkwood Egg Farm.
This morning the Government announced that they would purchase land from Parkwood for eventual resale as industrial land. As part of this deal, Parkwood would convert its cage egg production facility to barn egg production.
“I am delighted that the government has caught up with the strong community sentiment which has long opposed battery cage egg production,” Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson, Caroline Le Couteur, said today.
The RSPCA is also expressing satisfaction:
CEO Michael Linke said the announcement sent a strong signal that the intensive confinement of layer hens is no longer acceptable.
“This decision by the ACT Government and Pace Farms is fantastic news for hens,” said Mr Linke.
“RSPCA ACT has campaigned for this for the last 20 years and it’s great to see our hard work and commitment to animal welfare has finally paid off.”
“The Government has put animal welfare first – and that’s a welcome shift in thinking.
UPDATE 04/07/12 12:25: Minister Barr’s media release has now arrived:
The Government has reached the agreement with Pace Farm, which operates the Parkwood Farm in west Belconnen. Parkwood Farm is the only commercial egg production facility in the ACT.
The Government has agreed to purchase, for $7.5 million, a 24-hectare subdivision of Parkwood Farm that is surplus to that business’s requirements, and rezone and sell the land for industrial use. This will provide further employment opportunities in west Belconnen.
The purchase will be made on the condition that Parkwood Farm be converted from cage egg to barn egg production.
The Government and Pace Farm have been negotiating for over a year about the conversion to alternative egg production methods.
UPDATE 04/07/12 13:39: The RSPCA has facebooked the above memetic effort.