9 March 2006

Angry Voice turned on anti-dragway activists

| johnboy
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The dragway refusniks have done themselves no favours by seriously ticking off Mr. Stanhope to the point the angry voice has been let out of the box in a fiesty media release.

The Canberra community was entitled to ask just how genuine the complaints of certain anti-dragway groups really were, after revelations that one group planned to invite the ACT Government to a non-existent meeting, solely for the purposes of issuing an angry press release if the invitation was refused

And our brave leader is no stranger to the angry media release.

UPDATED: Our Brave Leader has kinder words for the North Canberra Community Council after what would appear to have been some hurried bridge building.

Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said he was pleased to learn that an email to members of the North Canberra Community Council suggesting that he be invited to a meeting on the proposed dragway and then attacked in a press release if he refused, had been the work of a single member and did not reflect the tactics or intentions of the council as a whole or its executive committee.

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Johnboy – yep, they’re growing cotton thanks to your distorted market. But only with huge inputs of energy (fertiliser, fuel, pesticides, herbicides, etc) in the form of oil.

Biodiesel suffers from the same problems. You need a whopping oil input to get the stuff out. Putting aside the usual arguements about environmental degredation, it doesn’t make a huge amount of sense in pure economic terms.

Your return on investment for oil (energy in for energy out) is about 30:1 (in a good, profitable well, anyway). For biodiesel, it’s about 3:1. For ethanol it’s 0.8:1 (i.e, it’s an energy sink).

If you think we can replace oil with biodiesel, this stat may give you pause; to grow enough oilseed to meet current demand you’d need a farm the size of Africa.

Then you might have a problem with water…

In the Hackett Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter there’s a few snippets rallying the anti-dragway movement, Dragwayaway (ooh! they even have a website http://www.dragwayaway.org.au).
There’s half a page about it where concerns about noise and well, noise are expressed.

I was under the impression that the general movement was also concerned about environmental impact and sacred Indigenous sites, guess I was mistaken.

Action is called upon from residents in various ways.
One way is to put pressure on community groups and Stanhope for a public meeting in which he will answer community questions.
While I think this is a good idea I’d say their chances of meeting with the Comrade are surely blown with that stupid little media stunt.
Sure, I’m no expert on politics or bureacracy but anyone with an inch of common sense knows that that is a silly bloody way to achieve anything.

ok…so it may have been one member, well I hope that member is severely reprimanded!

Yeah, biodiesel my ass. Where do you want to grow the stuff and with what water?

Dude, they’re growing cotton out there of all the crazy thing. No shortage of water. Just distorted markets.

Slinky the Shocker12:50 pm 09 Mar 06

Yeah, biodiesel my ass. Where do you want to grow the stuff and with what water?

Bonfire – peak oil isn’t psuedo science. It’s a perfectly good scientific theory that has been hijacked by cranks and used to suit an agenda.

Both sides ignore evidence that disagrees with their theory, not just the doomers.

As usual, things get polarised. One side says “everything is fine, we’ll never run out and we’ll be driving our V8’s into the brave new world”, while the other side says “we’re all going to die, society will collapse, and we’ll be back in the dark ages by 2020.”

I’m sure you’ll agree that history tends to show that we usually end up somewhere in-between the two.

peak oil is pseudo science.

ive been to several of their seminars and quite frankly a lot of what they say lacks any scientific base. they also ignore other data or science which conflicts with their pronouncements.

sicen the early 70’s when peak oil began their campaign science has improved. this has led to new reserves being discovered, depleted reserves being revisited with new technology to extract oil previously not economical to extract, technolgy developed to manufacture petrol from other natural resources (mineral snds, coal, shale etc).

soem of these softheads still believe that oil is decayed dinosaurs etc.

of course in their doom scenarios they also ignore the human factor. we are curious and adaptable creatures. we can replace oil with something else. dual fuel, electric, hydrogen – whatever. i can still stuff coal into my stanley steamer.

as to drag racing – they will also adapt. top fuellers run on alcohol.

Yes we are. I misinterpreted the scope of your earlier statement. There I go, shooting my mouth off again…

I think we’re agreeing Mr_Shab. I’m just saying that there was motor racing before there were petrol engines and there’ll be motor racing afterwards.

As near as can be told, pretty much the day after the axle was invented young men were seeing who could go faster.

Johnboy – The petrol’s not running out. Just the cheap petrol. Also – bio-diesel, ethanol and hydrogen can’t replace petrol in any practical sense, I’m afraid. We’re in very serious trouble, and a lot of things are going to have to change, no two ways about it.

But regardless of this, it won’t kill the drags. I’d forgotten they used methanol.

Anyway plenty of drag racers run on methanol and I’m sure more would if the petrol price went too high.

And even once the petroleum runs out there’s be bio-diesel and ethanol, hydrogen engines, and electric engines are capable of massive power if you can get current to them.

So i think the act of racing vehicles is going to be safe from peak oil.

What was the known petroleum reserve when the chariots were wheeling around the Circus Maximus?

Lex – Peak oil stopping the drags? No.

Peak oil will not stop the rev-heads. I’m pretty sure they’ll forgo food/water/shelter before petrol.

Arguing peak oil to the planning bodies won’t get you very far either.

Slinky the Shocker9:24 am 09 Mar 06

Thumper: That’s why the comrade wants to build a dragway on public money *he he he*. Barking toad: I thing the dragsters should have bike racks on the front to make it more equal.

barking toad9:08 am 09 Mar 06

They could run it through the new tunnel and see if the dragsters can beat the warp speed buses.

Given the issue of peak oil/increasing fuel prices I would have to wonder about the value of building a dragway for a “sport” with a very short future…

Slinky the Shocker9:02 pm 08 Mar 06

Why not pass a hat around in the whinging pro-dragway community? If 100 000 Canberrans wanted a dragway, then they’d only have to chip in 80 bucks for it. Or do they maybe not want it that much ? Well, the other option is the communist one: Let the other half of the community pay for your fun!

Well, if all the doom and gloom about the ACT Budget situation is true, then I would imagine that Stanhope and Co will be ditching any ideas for a dragway fairly swiftly.

Slinky the Shocker8:04 pm 08 Mar 06

Dry your eyes, matey…

Vic Bitterman7:42 pm 08 Mar 06

What a bunch of sad, pathetic miserable existances those anti-dragway clowns must live. This latest stunt of theirs takes the cake.

Slinky the Shocker3:57 pm 08 Mar 06

Well I’d say he caused the trouble himself, considering that he could have shut most of them (or should I say us) up if he had released the expert report a month or two ago.

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