ANU has just announced a new species of fish after the discovery of a massive fish skull, pictured above. Yes that is a crocodile skull next to it. Awesome.
Dr Gavin Young from the Research School of Earth Sciences and his research team were excavating the skeleton of an extinct armoured fish from 360 million-year-old rock near Eden, NSW, when the bones they uncovered suggested there was more in the site than met the eye.
“As we lifted out the block, we noticed a very large fang, at least 4 cm long,” said Dr Young. “Armoured fish don’t have teeth, so we knew there must be a much larger predator also preserved at the site.
“We uncovered an almost complete skull and shoulder girdle of an enormous lobe-finned fish, with jaws about 48 cm long.”
360 millions years old. This fish is ancient. This is the kind of fish that religious dinosaurs would have been trying to deny the existence of.
Johnboy is so excited he’s been singing this: