The ANU has a story on research they’re doing on clumsiness and their need for 50 children to test:
Ms McLeod will look at how proprioception, or the sense of knowing where one’s limbs are in space, develops in children and whether this plays a role in being clumsy – a condition known as developmental coordination disorder.
“Proprioception means we don’t have to watch our feet when walking, watch our fingers on the keyboard when typing or to look at the foot pedals while driving.
“Without proprioception, football players wouldn’t be able to keep their eyes on the goal posts while kicking for goal, as they would need to pay attention to the position of their arms and legs while running and bouncing the ball.” Ms McLeod said.
The study hopes to determine whether problems with proprioception can result in children being unusually clumsy, beyond that which is typical for their age. Parents will be notified of their child’s results and whether their child’s movement ability is age appropriate. The research is conducted at ANU and takes about 40 minutes.
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